Today, the well-acclaimed bird experience game Fugl received an update that allows you to dive underwater and become one of 40 aquatic creatures. The list of new creatures includes sharks, narwhals, and even a mermaid.
Fugl’s world is a vast and unique voxel playground. It is procedurally generated yet carefully crafted, with diverse areas to explore. Discover tropical beaches, snowy mountains, endless deserts and old growth forests. Each environment is rich in diverse wildlife with hundreds of animals to find. All are fascinating to observe, and you may even be lucky enough to stumble across rare mythical creatures. Spend time with these other animals for your bird to take on new visual characteristics and flying behaviours inspired by them.
In Fugl, you assume the role of a shape-shifter that primarily takes the form of a bird. You can become hundreds of animals with the ability to fly (or as of today’s update, swim) around the world without any time limits. In addition to the underwater creatures, this update adds a new frost biome, new ground movement, a freelook camera, HDR rendering effect, improved sound such as reverb in caverns, and improved behaviors for animals.
Fugl is available now on PC via Steam Early Access. It will be released out of Early Access and reach mobile VR later this year. For more information, visit the official Steam page.