Last night during The Game Awards a new trailer for Saint’s Row was released. The trailer dives into customization options and provides a glimpse at the Saint’s Row crew and their typical wild antics. Saint’s Row will be released on August 23rd, 2022. You can check out the trailer above and read below for more info:
Saints Row Crashes The Game Awards 2021 With A Brand-New Trailer
Customization, takedowns, vehicles, and the city of Santo Ileso shown off in new gameplay footage
Larkspur, Calif. (Dec. 10, 2021) – Deep Silver yesterday officially revealed a brand-new Saints Row gameplay trailer at The Game Awards 2021. The new trailer provides a glimpse of the crew’s journey to Saint-dom, a sneak peek at the game’s in-depth customization features, and, of course, those heartwarming Saints Row moments that aren’t over-the-top-wild violent at all.
In Santo Ileso, you either have the power, or you’ll just have to take it. The Saints are on a path to dominating this city, and you’ll need to lead them up the criminal ladder as the Boss. The brand-new trailer serves up Saint-on-rival-faction action with just some of the ways you can face off against your rivals – from explosive weaponry and brand-new guns to up-close and personal takedowns through swift-kick melee assaults. You want more than just takedowns? We’ve also got high-speed action in boats, cars, ariel assaults, and, of course, chaos-inducing tanks.
In just two minutes The Saints show off:
New sandbox reveals including helicopter tether thefts.
New vehicles.
New combat – Fresh takedowns, new weapons, dual wielding, and more.
New outfits and NPCs – From the weird, to the wild, and the unfortunate Santo Ileso citizens caught up in the middle of the madness.
Story moments – A little more about The Saints’ rise to power.
And a whole lot of Saints Row DNA.What a ride. Strap in, The Saints are coming for you on Aug. 23, 2022.
Pre-Order now to receive the Idols Anarchy Pack and find out more about the game at: https://SaintsRow.com/preorder