
Millions of minutes of dodging later, check out the results of Knockout City’s open beta

EA and Velan Studios recently unveiled a new infographic featuring the information from its recent cross-platform beta of Knockout City, which will be released for consoles and PC on May 21. Featuring facts like over 116 million minutes in-game among the players, there’s a lot here to love.

Today, EA and Velan Studios shared an infographic that highlights Knockout City’s recent cross-play beta success – including that the game generated more than 1M downloads and was played for a total of 116+ million minutes – resulting in more than 63 million Brawler KO’s – during the weekend!

A dodgeball-inspired multiplayer action game, Knockout City brings intense battles to players as they master the art of throwing, catching, passing and dodging in a highly competitive experience, with joyful surprises popping up around every corner. The game is set to launch on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X and Series S, PC via Origin and Steam on May 21, 2021.

Fun fact, the most KOs from one brawler was 5,381! (That’s a lot of KOs.) Stay tuned for more news here on Gaming Trend.

Elisha Deogracias is an aspiring accountant by day, freelance writer by night. Before writing for Gaming Trend, he had a small gig on the now defunct Examiner. When not being a third wheel with his best friends on dates or yearning for some closure on Pushing Daisies, he's busy catching up on shonen manga and wacky rhythm games. Mains R.O.B. in Smash. Still doesn't know if he's a kid or a squid.

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