Deep Silver and 4A Games have released a new video titled Metro Exodus Uncovered that covers the gameplay of the world of Metro with newcomers in mind. This is the first trailer released after the announcement of being exclusive to the Epic Games store on PC.
Famed for their gripping atmosphere, intense gameplay, powerful story-telling and hauntingly realized world, Metro 2033 and Metro: Last Light have earned a reputation as cult classics. Now, Deep Silver and 4A Games are nearly ready to release the long-anticipated continuation of the series with Metro Exodus.
Five years in the making, Metro Exodus builds on the series’ strengths while offering players a new sensation of freedom and exploration in the wastelands of post-apocalyptic Russia. For newcomers to the series, Metro Exodus Uncovered is a succinct way to get up to speed with the unique world and deep gameplay features primed for Metro Exodus.
Metro Exodus will feature large non-linear levels with classic Metro gameplay in post-apocalyptic Russia. Each area will make use of the dynamic weather system and day/night cycles. Players will have to craft and scavenge for materials to customize their arsenal in order to survive. Their decisions in the game will determine whether some of their companions survive the journey.
Metro Exodus will be released on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC via the Epic Games store on February 15th, 2019. It will reach Steam in February 2020. For more information, visit the official website.
Sean Anthony likes to combine two of his passions: gaming and writing. Gaming has been a huge part of his life ever since he played his first game as a child, Kirby's Adventure. He aspires to have his name attached to an article that makes the whole world go, "Huh, that's neat, I guess."
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