Triple Topping in collaborating with the renowned Swedish experimental game developer Nicklas “Nifflas” Nygren announced their newest game Ynglet. This game offers a meditative side-scrolling swimming game with hand-drawn visuals and a soundtrack that will captivate you.
In Ynglet, players swim, launch and bounce through a meditative floating platformer. A reactive soundscape creates the soundtrack to your exploration through the playful puzzles of Ynglet’s hand-drawn levels.
“I designed Ynglet to be a game both for people looking for a relaxed experience and players enjoying a hardcore platformer” said Nifflas, developer of Ynglet. “I have made a lot of other games before like Knyt, Uurnog and Affordable Space Adventures but I really hope you will like this game too!”
- Absolutely no platforms (which is really unusual for a platformer)!
- Jump between bubbles that float in the sky like you’re a space dolphin!
- Dash into walls that reflect you. It feels really good and looks awesome!
- Did we mention there are no platforms?
- A highly reactive and dynamic soundtrack thanks to Ynglet’s custom and needlessly complicated music software.
- Lots of unusual creatures doing their own thing, making the world feel alive
Add it to your wishlist to be ready when it releases and stay tuned to Gaming Trend for all your gaming news.