Are you ready to grab your own Fat Black Chocobo in Final Fantasy XIV? Square Enix has just announced a collaboration with Twitch that will allow fans of select streamers to obtain special items during a promotional campaign from today to August 24. When fans of certain streamers send out gift subscriptions during Final Fantasy XIV streams, they will be able to receive either Deluxe Heavenscracker items or a Fat Black Chocobo whistle.
From today until August 24, 2021, FINAL FANTASY XIV Online players can obtain both the Heavenscracker in-game item and the Fat Black Chocobo in-game mount by making use of Twitch’s gift subscription service when select streamers are broadcasting their adventures in Eorzea.
Viewers that gift one subscription in participating channels will receive 100 of the in-game Deluxe Heavenscracker items, while gifting four total subscriptions will grant them the Fat Black Chocobo Whistle, used to summon the in-game mount of the same name. Gifted subscriptions can be distributed in one channel or multiple channels, and the items can be received only once per Twitch account.
Participating streamers must be broadcasting FINAL FANTASY XIV Online at the time the gifted subscription is given. If the gifted subscription is given outside of a FINAL FANTASY XIV Online broadcast, it will not count towards the program.
Full List of Eligible Twitch Channels
Participating channels must be broadcasting FINAL FANTASY XIV Online when the subscription is gifted. If the subscription is gifted outside of a FINAL FANTASY XIV Online broadcast, it will not count towards the campaign.
- Aiyanya
- Anniefuchsia
- Ashe10
- Chottis
- Drakanous
- Eryn
- EthysAsher
- GalaxyAUS
- Geekgg
- Haughtychicken
- Hupo
- Inochifantasy
- itmeJP
- Joesephyr
- Kidkerrigan
- Meoni
- Miabyte
- MissRogueFlame
- Mizzteq
- Mrhappy
- QueenE
- Speakersofhydaelyn
- Spofie
- SugarAng3l
- Thorlar
- Tuatime
- ZeplaHQ
- At0mium
- Bestmarmotte
- Darkfuneral
- kazhamania
- Kirling
- Plavastation
- Sir thomas
- Titavion
- Trinity
- Ultia
- Ysallyra
- Behindyouhorror
- BloodyNyuu
- Bukanier
- Charlescimeaurant
- D1rtyD3vil
- Der Humie
- dromsy_
- Entenburg
- IamThanh
- Its_Flay
- KaddiGaming
- LadyofChocolate
- Malternativ
- Nashilein
- nichtdiemama
- Pwnance
- ZineraOw
- LadySibi
- ShunkoDai
- Suvikh
The recently announced fourth expansion pack of the FINAL FANTASY XIV Online saga, Endwalker, is scheduled to release November 23, 2021 for PC, Mac, the PlayStation®5 system, and the PlayStation®4 system. Endwalker is the culmination of the Hydaelyn and Zodiark story, in which Warriors of Light will encounter an even greater calamity than ever before, and will bring an abundance of new content, including multiple new jobs, an increased level cap, vast new areas, adjustments to the battle system, as well as a variety of new battle, crafter and gatherer content.
Stay tuned for more news here on Gaming Trend.