Puzzling Dream has just announced that its newest game, Unlucky Seven, is out today on PC via Steam. The game tasks players with keeping the main character Elen and friends as they try to survive a birthday party gone wrong; the game is played entirely through a keyboard and players can switch to different characters to experience different perspectives.
Elen’s friends always remember to celebrate special occasions. Instead of attending Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, they go to a birthday party in a luxury motel. Unfortunately, the owner just ate a delicious human liver sausage. And the appetite comes with eating. The party of their life becomes a party of their death.
Experience the thrill of an adventure through a beautiful pixel-realistic world, where you are who you eat, and your choices decide the fate of your friends. Meet the hidden goals and desires of each character and jeer as their plans are ruined.
Check out the trailer above, and stay tuned for more news here on Gaming Trend.