Hard West, a horror strategy game set in the old Wild West, has reached Kickstarter. This game will be for between 1-6 players where gunslingers struggle in intense gunfights while going for their own goals.
It is a horror strategy game settled in the old Wild West. In a world where everyone is hostile and making allies is not easy. Luckily there are still some people eager to join your cause. Does not mean really that they are good folks. They just have their own business too.
You and your team of gunslingers will struggle in intense gunfights obtaining own goals. The world of Hard West is full of bandits, demons and other supernatural beings.
Hard West is a board game that can support between 1-6 players. It is a great social game that’s quite easy to learn but takes time to master. You will be surprised to see how your friends around the table can easily pick up the rules.
The Kickstarter campaign for Hard West will run until Friday, November 8th 2019. If the project is successfully funded, it’s expected to be released in November of 2020. For more information or to pledge to the campaign, visit the Kickstarter page.