Today, Renegade Game Studios announced that its newest strategy game Succulent will be released on store shelves this May, with an appearance at this year’s Board Game Expo on April 4. The game will task 2-4 players with making their best garden through different types of projects and objectives.

Succulent is designed for 2-4 gardeners, ages 10+, cultivating their gardens in 45-60 minutes.

You are a gardener tasked with thoughtful selection, delicate pruning, and tireless care. You’ve earned a reputation as a master horticulturist. In Succulent, you compete against your peers for lucrative and prestigious projects that will cement your place as the community’s premier succulent gardener.

The game is played over a series of turns where players collect succulent cuttings from their gardens along with water crystals and use them to complete projects which grant various benefits, including earning points. Optimize every turn to become your community’s premier succulent gardener and earn the most victory points to win.

Stay tuned for more news here on Gaming Trend.

See also: Board Game | Tabletop
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