Creepy Jar has released details on their 2022 road map for the critically acclaimed survival adventure Green Hell. Part 3 of Spirits of Amazonia is finally heading for release on PC, while the first parts of Spirits of Amazonia will be making their debut on consoles soon. You can read below for more details:

Warsaw, Poland – Dec. 15th, 2021 — Creepy Jar is pleased to give players a sneak peek into what’s on the way for Green Hell in 2022. Committed to improving and expanding on an already stellar experience, Creepy Jar’s Green Hell 2022 Roadmap highlights some exciting updates arriving for the PC and console versions of the game. More specific time frames for the arrival of updates on each platform will come at a later date.

The Green Hell 2022 Roadmap includes:

Spirits of Amazonia Part 3: The third and final act of the thrilling Spirits of Amazonia story comes to a conclusion and will be free for all owners of Green Hell.

Building Update: The existing building system receives a hefty update that will be less restrictive than the current system. The ability to cut through thicker trees—removing obstacles such as stumps and logs—allows players maximum flexibility when placing their buildings. New items such as doors, bridges, treehouses, and more will be added. (PC in 2022, planned on consoles at a later date)

Animal Husbandry: Become the master of your domain and farm animals for many of your needs. Players will be able to catch, breed, and feed some of the rainforest’s creatures; keep them in custom pens, and—when the time comes—harvest them for the resources needed most. (PC in 2022, planned on consoles at a later date)

Console Editions: Alongside continued patching to improve the experience on consoles, the entire Spirits of Amazonia series will be making its way to Xbox One and PlayStation in 2022.

Green Hell arrived on PC in Steam Early Access in August 2018 and successfully launched in September 2019. In that time and beyond, Green Hell has seen over 2 million players to date and received countless improvements along the way. From its beginning as a survival title that challenged players to manage everything from their nutritional needs to their own sanity, Creepy Jar relentlessly added more and more content to make Green Hell a fully robust and deep experience.


Survive the Amazon: Resource management, base building, crafting, hunting, wound inspection, sanity management, and more. Green Hell relentlessly puts players to the ultimate survival test in the remote reaches of the Amazon rainforest.

Story Mode: How did you end up in the Amazon? What happened to your love, Mia? How can you escape? How can you survive? Seeking answers to these questions will take you to the brink of sanity as you rediscover well-known areas and discover new areas for the first time.

Survive TOGETHER: Up to 4 players can tackle the rainforest together in the ultimate bid for survival! Whether it’s story mode or endless mode, you can look forward to pulling leeches from all your friends’ nether-parts and more in co-op mode!

And more! Whether it’s custom modes, achievement chasing, tackling unique challenges, or building the best jungle hut south of the equator, Green Hell is a robust experience that continues to grow with each update from the Creepy Jar team.

Stay tuned to Gaming Trend for more info on Green Hell and for all your gaming, tech, and entertainment news!

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