Gooey Cube has released a detailed breakdown of content that can be found in their upcoming release of Cyclopaedia Magicka Volume 1 Wy’rded Magicks, a 340+ page book containing 6 classes, 14 archetypes, 140+ magic items, 110+ spells, and more. You can read the entire breakdown below:

Cyclopedia Magicka Volume 1: Wy’rded Magicks

Delve Deep into the Strange & Wonderful Magicks of Zyathé
6 Classes, 14 Archetypes, 140+ Magic Items, 110+ Spells, & More
340+ Pages of Content

Whether you are a budding apprentice or sagely veteran, you are sure to discover many secrets inside this tome. Discover the magical mysteries of the Eterniverse and the source of magic within Zyathé. Learn how to apply each caste, or school, of magic to your brand of spellcasting. Find out how different cultures within the world view various types of magic. Study the wonders created by a dead civilization, now unrepeatable after a great cataclysm rendered such things impossible. Master the skills of mining, cutting, and using Flowstones. Obtain magical items and powerful artifacts to use in your adventures. Journey in your mind’s eye through magical institutions and regions. Learn about many powerful spellcasters that you may encounter throughout Zyathé. Become one of the six new classes or one of the fourteen new archetypes for classes old and new. Add some of the many new spells to your repertoire. Discover how magic can go awry with Fractal and Corrupt influences on the Everflow. Want a new familiar? We have those! And if you must, find many patrons to sign a pact with. Wyr’ded Magicks has all of this information and more within its mystical pages.

Six New Magical Classes

Which New Magical Class Will You Play?

Agent – Faithful followers who enact the will of their gods using subtle methods
Courtmage – Fey who defend the Seelie & Unseelie Courts with magical trickery
Flowcaster – A skilled wielder of flowstaves who can manifest powerful magic
Fusilier – A wielder of magical firearms which contain the power of flowstones
Technic Artificiter – A remarkable artisan who combines magic with technology
Zyathic Chanter – A talented orator who manifests magical effects through their voice

14 New Magical Archetypes

Agent – The Dark Unknown
Barbarian – Path of the Infernal Strain
Bard – College of Anathema
Cleric – Zyanthuusic Domain
Druid – Circle of the Wyldheart
Fighter – Warder
Paladin – Egalitans & Depravants
Ranger – Fay’aree Spiritguard
Rogue – Ghostly Infiltrator
Sorcerer – Untainted Magic
Spelldancer – Weaver
Warlock – Elemental Sovereigns
Wizard – Scholar of Forbidden Lore

140+ Magic Items

Rods, Staves, Flowstaves & Wands
Simple & Martial Weapons
Wondrous Items
Magical Materials
Potions & Alchemical Concoctions
Fusils & Flowstone Cores
Useable in All Settings

110+ Spells

Additional Spells for Core Classes
Spells for All of Our New Classes
Ranges from Cantrips to Lv9 Spells
Useable in All Settings

And Much Much More

19 Warlock Patrons
14 Fully Statted Familiars
d100 Random Magical Effects Table
2 d20 Corruption Tables
22 Institutions of Magical Learning
40 Magical NPCs

Delve Deeper

Discover the Magical Mysteries of the Eterniverse
Apply Each Caste, or School, of Magic to Your Brand of Spellcasting
Find Out How Different Cultures Within the World View Various Types of Magic
Study the Wonders Created by a Dead Civilization
Master the Skills of Mining, Cutting, and Using Flowstones
Journey in Your Mind’s Eye Through Magical Institutions and Regions
Learn About Many Powerful Spellcasters That You may Encounter Throughout Zyathé
Befriend a New Familiar
Uncover How Magic Can go Awry With Fractal and Corrupt Influences
Find a Suitable Patron to Sign a Pact With

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