Ubisoft has announced that its 47th Legend in Brawlhalla, Vector, is now available to play. The time travelling hero uses his trusty Rocket Lance to crush the competition and is available for 7200 gold.

Travelling across the galaxy from a future universe, cybermarine Arcturius Vector entered a time portal to go from 3006 to 1987, pursuing his nemesis, the Mechassassin Blackstorm, far into the distant past of New Earth. Vector’s mission, to stop the Mechassassin from eliminating an ancient leader named ‘Sen-tin-el’, didn’t go quite according to plan. Upon arrival, Vector found Sentinel, a superhero, locked in deadly combat with the evil enemy KABAL. Joining forces with Sentinel, Vector led the counterattack against KABAL’s alien invasion force and fought the Mechassassin Blackstorm and a squadron of super-intelligent super-jets. Today in Valhalla, Vector fights, builds jet engines with Scarlet, and pursues other hobbies.

Vector has arrived at Valhalla’s door and is available for 7200 Gold. The skins Hyperdrift Vector, Vector Model 01, and Dragonaut Vector are available now for 140 Mammoth Coins each; these skins also change the appearance of Vector in his jet form. Vector has six signature attacks:

Rocket Lance Signatures

  • Side Signature – Vector and his Rocket Lance transform into a jet. He hovers for a second, then flies forward and hits enemies with the point of his Rocket Lance.
  • Neutral Signature – Vector and his Rocket Lance transform into a jet aimed at the sky. He then propels upwards in an arc to hit any airborne enemies in his way.
  • Down Signature – Vector prepares himself, then quickly jumps up and transforms into his jet form. He then swoops across the battlefield and drops energy bombs.

Bow Signatures

  • Side Signature – Vector splits his bow in two then jumps forward to slice and dice his enemies.
  • Neutral Signature – Vector combines his hand and bow to create a giant laser cannon, then shoots a hefty laser beam in an arc into the sky.
  • Down Signature – Vector splits his bow in two, and extends his arms far out to his sides, spinning his weapons like propeller blades.

Additionally, to celebrate the Autumn Championship September 28-29, the Autumn Shard 2019 animated avatar and the Autumn Wind Katars weapon skin will be available for purchase for a limited time, from September 18 until October 9. Fans can tune into the tournament at brawlhalla.com/watch.

Check out the trailer above, and stay tuned for more news here on Gaming Trend.

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