If you’ve been having a grand old time with Geralt’s appearance in the recently released SoulCalibur VI, or have been replaying The Witcher 3 for the umpteenth time, CD Projekt Red has just announced that its spinoff games Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales and GWENT: The Witcher Card Game are available now on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Previously exclusive to PC, the two games are spinoff titles from the massively popular The Witcher franchise, and comes with unique mechanics for both titles.
Thronebreaker is a single player role-playing game set in the world of The Witcher that combines narrative-driven exploration with unique puzzles and turn-based battles. The game can be purchased right now on the Microsoft Store and PlayStation Store, and comes packed with digital goodies.
GWENT is a card game of choices and consequences, in which skill, not luck, is a player’s greatest weapon. GWENT is available for free on both Microsoft Store and PlayStation Store. Gamers who participated in the Public Beta of the game will receive a special commemorative player title upon logging in to the launch version.
Check out Travis’ review of Thronebreaker, and stay tuned for more news here on Gaming Trend.