We shared the amazing news with you last week that the Call Of Duty Endowment had helped 100k veterans find jobs, and the organization isn’t done yet. In celebration of the achievement, they’ve dropped the C.O.D.E Defender pack; one you may recognize from Modern Warfare 2019 and Warzone. This collection of Deagle and co is a fun one, but more importantly it starts the Endowment on the next step of the journey. Take a look at what it entails, and grab the pack as you get ready for the Monarch event next week.
Two years ahead of schedule, the Call of Duty Endowment has realized its goal of placing 100,000 veterans into high-quality jobs. In addition, Activision Blizzard is also committing $30 million in additional funding to support the program for the next five years. In honor of the achievement and for this year’s Military Appreciation Month, we’re bringing back the C.O.D.E. Defender Pack for use in Call of Duty: Warzone and Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare®.
Help the Endowment reach its goal of placing another 100K vets and more by purchasing the C.O.D.E. Defender Pack. One hundred percent of net proceeds will go directly to the cause, aiding the Endowment’s mission of placing unemployed and underemployed veterans from the United States and United Kingdom into careers that best utilize their tremendous skill set.
Here’s what’s included:
The C.O.D.E. Defender Pack
The Call of Duty Endowment’s most popular pack is back by popular demand! Purchase the Defender Pack to immediately unlock the following items:
- “The Defender” Rare Pistol Weapon Blueprint with custom-themed Optic and Reticle
- “Hot and Cold” Weapon Camo
- “Old School” Epic Watch
- “Honor the Call” Rare Weapon Charm
- “Endowment” Rare Weapon Sticker
- “Secret C.O.D.E.” Rare Spray
- “C.O.D.E. All Star” Rare Spray
- “Zoomin” Rare Emblem
- “Flat Back” Rare Emblem
- “Sturdy Stripes” Rare Emblem
- “Hooah” Rare Calling Card
The offer ends once $2 million USD have been raised for the cause. These items are available for use in WarzoneTM and Modern Warfare®. The Defender Pack is available for purchase on the PlayStation Store, the Microsoft Store, and the Battle.net Shop.
About the Call of Duty Endowment
The Call of Duty Endowment identifies and funds the most efficient and effective organizations that get unemployed veterans back to work. Beyond funding, the Endowment partners with grantees to provide an array of advice and support aimed at maximizing impact.
Since the nonprofit’s inception in 2009, the Endowment has risen to become one of the largest philanthropic funders of veteran employment.In total the Endowment’s efforts have achieved an estimated $5.6 Billion in economic value for US and UK veterans. To date, Activision Blizzard has donated more than $62 million to the organization. Visit www.callofdutyendowment.org for further details, including more ways to help the cause.
Stay Tuned for More
Stay tuned throughout Military Appreciation Month and beyond as we feature more in-game content and activities related to the Call of Duty Endowment’s mission to place U.S. and U.K. veterans in high-quality jobs—100K is just the start. Let’s keep the momentum going.
Stay tuned to Gaming Trend for more Call Of Duty news and information!