The hand-drawn charm of Nairi: Tower of Shirin is coming to PC and now the Nintendo Switch in 2018. This indie point-and-click puzzle game follows the story of Nairi, a young woman from the rich district of the oasis town of Shirin. When she is forced to abandon her rich, sheltered life, she ends up in the seedy lower district of the city. Through good fortune, meets Rex, a gangster-turned-scholar rat, who helps her on her quest to find her way back home. It won’t be an easy task, as the poor district is plagued by gangs, a brainwashing criminal, and an ominous mystery surrounding the Tower of Shirin. The game is full of adorable visuals and characters, within a troubled world which is sure to delight anyone looking for a strong narrative and puzzle experience. Watch the trailer above, or learn more by checking out the Nairi: Tower of Shirin page on the Steam Store.
“We were going for a unique setting and art style, inspired not just by Japanese anime but also the likes of Disney and Pixar. The game comes across as endearing, rather than ‘childishly cute’.”
-Joshua van Kuilenburg, founder of HomeBearStudio
The game’s features include:
- A huge amount of ridiculously cute hand-drawn charming characters and locations
- An absorbing and captivating story
- Wacky items to collect, trade and combine
- Brain-teasing puzzles waiting to be solved
- A beautifully composed soundtrack
Chaotic wholesome. Dice-maker. DM and TTRPG performer. Shiny Pokémon hunter. Kay works in video games during the day, speaks at conferences during the weekends, and pretends to be an orc, tiefling, android, etc by night.

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