
Friday Tabletop Kickstarter Update –

Hello! Welcome to 2015’s first Friday Tabletop Kickstarter Update! If you have never read one of these updates, check out this introduction. This year is off to a slow start, a really slow start. Not too much activity on the KS front.

Remember that I am in no way endorsing these games, I have not played them, I have not talked to the publishers. Back at your own risk.

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Run Fight Or Die!
Apparent Weight: Medium-Light
Genre: Dice and Zombies, Push your Luck

In 2013, 8th Summit finished up a exceedingly successful campaign. As the the dream of all publishers, Run Fight Or Die! continued to gain popularity and fandom. This lead to a great problem when they sold out of their first print run, and thus needed to launch another printing. Now, you too can try to survive the zombie horde with this super sized Big Box edition, holding a pile of expansions and promotional content.


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Tiny Epic Galaxies
Apparent Weight: Medium-Light
Genre: Tiny Epic Kingdoms in space!

One of the loudest complaints of microgames is their lack of depth and strategy. A game without 500 cardboard tokens and wooden cubes cannot possibly be of any depth. Scott Almes has handedly disproved this stereotype. Last year he delivered Tiny Epic Kingdoms to great fanfare and critical acclaim. He is back on Kickstarter looking to fund his latest space spin off of the Tiny Epic system. Grab some friends and compete to conquer the Galaxy!


Sizing up Success, Part the Second
Thoughts on the world of Tabletop Kickstarter.

Less than a month ago, I pointed out the odd cancellation of the New Bedford campaign. I brought it up to highlight an interesting statement by the publisher: We are going to cancel even though we think we are going to fund.

We shortly after New Bedford was pulled down, another project canceled their campaign part way through: ZNA.

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Notice how much they raised? $126,171! That is huge! They were closer to double the amount of their funding goal than they were to their original, rather high, $80,000 goal. In the world of boardgaming Kickstarters it is an achievement if a campaign breaks $100k. ZNA was crushing it.

Why would they kill a good thing? Because $80k was not really their goal. Apparently their ‘real’ goal was $1 million. That, in and of itself, is also astounding. Only a handful of tabletop kickstarters have reached the million mark. Their million dollar stretch goal was to fully implement an augmented reality application to interface with the game.

I have already talked in length about this in the other post. If you want to read more about the game, go read the last update on the project. There you can read the publishers reason for cancelling.


If you have KS topics that interest you, let me know @Scooter_TTTD

From Trading in the Mediterranean to FPS, I love games. While I grew up in a house without consoles, PC gaming and board gaming were a large part of my formative years, and continue to influence my life. In this golden age of board gaming, I have jumped in headfirst in to anything table top. As a ludilogical student, I love thinking about how games work, their mechanics, their elegance and most importantly, enjoying how fun they are.

Favorite Board Game (at the moment): Twilight Struggle
Favorite PC Game (base solely on play time): Tie between WoW and DII

Fell free to email me: comments, concerns, questions, feedback, rants, and/or suggestions.

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