At the risk of medical malpractice, not-actual-doctors Mark Webley and Ben Hymers of Two Point Studios’ revealed a glimpse at the gameplay within Two Point Hospital along with developer commentary.
In this video, the duo take a look at the first hospital in the game as well as their take on how to accomplish the goal of curing 10 patients in a basic hospital. This includes building the receptionist’s desk, using blueprints to build up various rooms, and hiring doctors. Webley and Hymers also discuss the “flow” of the hospital simulator, giving players tips on how to achieve their goals.
In addition to the basic hospital, Webley and Hymers give fans a sneak-peak at what the game will look like later including rooms with MRI machines, and a cure for light headedness.
Two Point Hospital, while does not yet have a definitive release date, will be release sometime in 2018. For more information on the game, visit the official website.