We all love a good holiday update, maybe except for Krampus in Call of Duty: Vanguard. It’s not just the reminder of holiday cheer, but it brightens up even the darkest games. I wouldn’t confuse World of Warships with anything somber, but it’s nice seeing the team drop a new update to bring joy to their world… of warships. I will see myself out after that Christmas pun, feel free to check out the news below without me bothering you!
AUSTIN, TX (December 5, 2023) – Wargaming, the developer and publisher of the leading naval multiplayer game World of Warships, is celebrating the festive season with the December update. The latest winter update will see World of Warships (PC), World of Warships: Legends (console), and World of Warships: Blitz (mobile) updated with limited-time content to sprinkle some seasonal joy.
With in-game rewards, unique holiday-themed events, a Christmas advent calendar, and many more updates to all the titles, World of Warships are set to close 2023 with a wealth of content for players to embrace over the coming weeks.
The Holidays are Coming in World of Warships for PC
Holidays in Santa City will present players with the opportunity to earn a plethora of festive rewards. Set across 20 stages, with post-progression available, players must complete daily and weekly missions to earn exciting gifts, including the Germany Tier VII Premium Battleship Scharnhorst ‘43. Salvage for Victory will also be returning with 100 stages to advance through, offering new rewards at different stages. One standout is the cruiser Kitakami, which has never been released since its first tests during the 2015 beta and has since gained legendary status amongst the player base.
Between December 7th and 12th, new players can also discover a bonus code on the official World of Warships website that will allow new and existing players to unlock a bundle of festive goodies for their accounts, such as the battleship Bismarck or a permanent camouflage for a tier VIII ship! And for Steam users, the bundle containing the tier IV Yubari, will be for free from December 7th to the 13th!
The Festive Season Arrives in Force to World of Warships: Legends
As part of the December update, World of Warships: Legends players will be able to unlock an incredible set of rewards using dedicated event currency, including three ships and two majestic Commander guise. The holiday card collection allows players to earn more rewards, including the exclusive French Tier II Premium destroyer, En. Gabolde W. Additionally, players can enjoy a free Holiday Box gift bundle, a three-week advent calendar packed with rewards such as the Winter King Commander guises, and new winter ships to acquire alongside four Early Access vessels.
Daily Rewards Await Players in World of Warships: Blitz for Mobile
To get into the holiday spirit, World of Warships Blitz is celebrating Christmas with various events, promotions, and a special Advent Calendar, running from December 1st to December 24th. Each day players can log in to unlock plenty of rewards or take on daily Blitz Challenges to earn coveted Santa and Elf keys, unlocking exclusive content such as ships, camouflages, blueprints, and more. Players will be able to discover the icy battlefields with the latest map addition – Islands of Ice, and in addition, four new ships – Huron, Tromp, Daisen, and W. Virginia ’41 will also be made available.
This update also brings several bug fixes, upgrades, and balance changes across the game.
Stay tuned to GamingTrend for more World of Warships news and info!