VIZ Media has recently announced the release of its free Versus Mode update for recently released RPG The World Next Door. The update for PC and Switch will add two-player competitive multiplayer as players will face each other in head-to-head combat.

VIZ Media charges up the action from THE WORLD NEXT DOOR with a FREE “Versus Mode” update that is available now for PC/Mac and Nintendo Switch platforms. Once updated, Versus Mode offers players the chance to hone their battle skills in local 2-player battles to see who can claim the title of top spell-caster!

The update is available now for free for those who have already purchased the game; new game purchases will automatically come with Versus Mode included.

THE WORLD NEXT DOOR fuses real-time puzzle battles and striking visuals to deliver a supernatural story about Jun, a teen trapped in the mysterious world of Emrys. Team up with Liza, Horace, and an ensemble of otherworldly friends to investigate the secrets of the Emryn shrines, and use Jun’s newfound powers to battle the formidable enemies hidden in their depths. Get Jun back home before time runs out. Work on your skills and challenge your friends in the lightning-fast Versus Mode!

Read our review of the game, and stay tuned for more news here on Gaming Trend.

See also: Indies | PC | Switch
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