Asmodee Digital has announced that starting today, a new update for their digital adaptation of Gloomhaven is available. In this new update players will explore uncharted territories and face new environments and beasts along the way. Based on community feedback they have also made several UI improvements and bug fixes to help make the game even better. To top it all off Gloomhaven is also currently a part of their Winter Sale and can be picked up for 25% off until January 2nd.

At Asmodee Digital we are huge fans of the original board game and are striving to offer the best digital Gloomhaven experience possible. To this end, the game has first started in Early Access, allowing our team to fine-tune and improve the game based on players’ feedback. Working together with the community, the team is confident the digital Gloomhaven experience will do justice to the masterpiece board game we all love. The team is aware that this is just the beginning of a journey, hand in hand with the Gloomhaven community, and not the final product.

As a board game, Gloomhaven has raised $4.4 million on Kickstarter thanks to more than 45,000 backers. Designed by Isaac Childres, the Gloomhaven board game has been acclaimed by both players and critics alike, achieving the all-time highest rating on BoardGameGeek and winning six Golden Geek awards, including “Board Game of the Year” in 2017.

The digital adaptation, developed by Flaming Fowl Studios, allows players to play as a squad of two to four mercenaries, in a world of darkness and trials. Its legendary unforgiving difficulty rewards only the sharpest strategic minds. Currently in Early Access on Steam (PC), Gloomhaven brings the lore, game mechanics and identity of the beloved board game into the digital era, leveraging all the benefits of the PC platform.

During the Early Access, we’ll keep releasing content, features and fixes on a regular basis, fine-tuning and enriching the Gloomhaven experience. Our aim is to include all the original board game mercenaries’ roster, along with enemies and bosses, items, and the multiplayer Co-op mode before the full release. The final game will also include the original board game campaign.

The Forest update highlights:

A whole new experience when exploring new environments and facing new challenges.

7 new enemies, and their Elite variants (Vermling Scout, Vermling Shaman, Inox Guard, Inox Shaman, Inox Archer, Hound, Forest Imp).

A new boss (Inox Bodyguard).

Pick up this great game now while it’s on sale and stay tuned to Gaming Trend for all your tabletop news.

See also: PC | Tabletop
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