
Diablo III Secret Level Unveiled (SPOILERS INSIDE)

For those of us who are at work or otherwise don’t have Diablo III, or who don’t have the hours available to go through the game in meticulous detail, Youtube user AlexinSixty has posted what appears to be the first video of the Diablo III secret level.  For sake of avoiding spoilers, we’re not going to mention anything about the level here, but be warned, the video itself is highly-revealing.  Also, we’re not going to state how you unlock the level in question, although a Google search can find that out if you really want to know.

So, without further ado, we give you [NAME REDACTED].


Whimsyshire, Where Dreams Come True (Diablo 3 Cow Level)

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I've been a computer gamer since the mid 90s and have been a writer at Gaming Trend since late 2004. My primary interests are RPGs and turn-based strategy, and Japanese imports.

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