Accessibility at Bungie is the newest of four inclusion clubs at Bungie aimed at making members of traditionally marginalized communities (workers and players alike) feel included rather than excluded.
This club focuses specifically on making sure Bungie keeps their experiences as inclusive as possible regardless of disabilities or barriers some might encounter.
Already the club has made some decisions regarding accessibility in Destiny 2. Senior Designer Robert Schuster, founding lead of Accessibility at Bungie, said that he talked with Chris Proctor, the weapons feature lead at Bungie, about enabling auto-fire on weapons like hand cannons and scout rifles that typically require continuous left-clicking.
Proctor agreed, saying that it was a change he was already considering, and now that change will be coming to the game at a later date.
Many at Bungie have already taken steps to make the game more inclusive and accessible, and the creation of this club shows a step towards making sure inclusivity is an explicit part of creating new experiences at the company.
October is the National Disability Employment Awareness Month. To promote awareness, the Accessibility at Bungie team has worked with our VizD and consumer products teams to create a new Disability Awareness pin. All profits from sales of this pin during the month of October will be donated to the AbleGamers Charity. The organization creates opportunities that enable play to combat social isolation, fosters inclusive communities, and improves the quality of life for people with disabilities. This pin, called “Everyone Can Play,” will be added to the Bungie Store on October 1 and will include an exclusive emblem with the same name. After October, profits will be collected by the Bungie Foundation to distribute to other organizations that do accessibility-related work.