Today, Cold Iron Studios and 20th Century Games revealed the trailer for the Pathogen Expansion that will be released on August 30th. The trailer shows footage of the new boss fight, something new to the franchise. The Pathogen Expansion also comes with lots of content including some new mission, weapons, and weapon attachments. I enjoyed Aliens: Fireteam Elite when it first released, and I’m glad to see new content coming down the pipeline. Below are full details and information on the Pathogen Expansion:
Cold Iron Studios and 20th Century Games are excited to announce the newest trailer for the upcoming Aliens: Fireteam Elite: Pathogen expansion, releasing on August 30. The Pathogen expansion will be available to download on Xbox Series One, Xbox X/S, PlayStation®4, PlayStation®5 and PC for $14.99.
There are also two new editions launching with the base game.
- The Ultimate Edition Upgrade for owners of Aliens: Fireteam Elite, which will include the Pathogen expansion as well as all 5 Endeavor Pass cosmetic DLCs for $29.99
- The Ultimate Edition, which will include Aliens: Fireteam Elite, the Pathogen expansion, and all 5 Endeavor Pass cosmetic DLCs for $59.99
Pathogen introduces an all-new campaign which explores the deadly effects of the black goo infection inspired by the Alien universe. This pathogen can change not only local flora and fauna, but also any Xenomorphs exposed to it, causing them to hunt and kill anything they can find, including non-mutated Xenomorphs.
Showcasing multiple sneak peeks at what players can expect in the expansion, the new Pathogen trailer highlights players’ first ever head-to-head boss encounter in Aliens Fireteam Elite. Three-person Fireteams will have to dive deep into a mutated enemy hive to outsmart and overcome a terrifyingly mutated Xenomorph Queen.
In addition to a slew of cosmetics, weapons, and weapon attachments, all players will also get a new, free Hardcore Mode that will test their skills in increasingly difficult battles, which may result in permadeath. Alongside the July update’s Crossplay feature, it is easier than ever to find your Fireteam and get fighting!
The Pathogen Expansion features the following content:
- 3 New Missions as a part of the Pathogen campaign, featuring new enemies and the Pathogen Queen boss fight!
- 8 New Weapons, 2 for each weapon type
- 1 New Perk for each Class Kit that modifies the player’s main ability
- 13 New Weapon Attachments that modify stats and grant special traits
- 2 New Outfits and 6 Head Accessories
- 21 New Weapon Colors and 10 Decals for gun customization
- 10 New Emotes for interacting within Fireteams
Aliens: Fireteam Elite is rated M for Mature by the ESRB. A copy of Aliens: Fireteam Elite on the same platform is required to play the expansion content. Additional information can be found on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Discord or the official website at www.AliensFireteamElite.com.
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