
Alien: Isolation’s Survivor Mode will be Central to its DLC

Sega has detailed its plans for Alien: Isolation’s DLC and season pass.

Alien: Isolation will feature a mode called “Survivor Mode,” which will have players participate in a one-on-one battle with the game’s Alien enemy. The game will ship with a “demo” of the mode that includes one map, while the first of five DLC packs will bring more content to the mode when it’s released on October 28th. Each sequential DLC pack will contain new maps, characters, and enemies. You can buy all the game’s DLC either separately or all together in the game’s season pass.

Creative Lead on Al Hope says that “[Survivor Mode] is the game in its purest form; it’s you against the creature and it’s against the clock. It was just fantastic watching players leave the demo with a strange mix of joy, terror and relief at simply surviving, before jumping back in and try to tackle it in a different way to beat their time!”

For an extended look at Survivor Mode, check out the behind-the-scenes video above.

Alien: Isolation's Survivor Mode will be Central to its DLC

Sega recently confirmed that Isolation has gone Gold, and will be released on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, Xbox One and Xbox 360 on October 7th.

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