
3D remake of Sonic the Hedgehog and Altered Beast released

Since the latest Sonic game, Lost World, wasn’t really a huge success, Sega is going back to the roots and releases a 3D version of the original smash hit Sonic the Hedgehog of which we all have such fond memories and in which we got acquainted with the blue beast. Not sure of the added value, but nostalgics have the game available for download in the Nintendo eShop today, priced at $5.99. Speaking of beasts, a 3D version of another Sega classic, the side scrolling beat ’em up Altered Beast gets a 3D version too, and like Sonic, it’s available for $5.99 in the eShop.

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Tom has been gaming ever since he could walk. As soon as he got his hands on an NES, his childhood revolved around the adventures of Mario and Link. Later on, he switched to Playstation, but eventually became a PC fanboy, and to this day it still remains his platform of choice. Tom studies law at Ghent University, Belgium and next to video games, his hobbies are a variety of martial arts, playing rugby and once in a while he also does a CrossFit workout.

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