There’s a lot going on in the Call Of Duty League as we hit the meat of the schedule going towards Major II. We’ll see the bigger name teams play some toughies, hopefully a couple of upsets, and before it’s all said and done you have to wonder if some teams make it through this stage of qualifiers without changing their roster. All kinds of craziness is on the table, and here’s what we’re thinking going into day 1.

London Royal Ravens vs Paris Legion

  • London was in form last week, but it will be interesting to see if Gismo is in the clear coming back from a personal issue that kept him away from the team. I wish him the absolute best, but it could be a moment for him to round into form. Everyone is going to point to the matches they played with PaulEhx, but people forget Paul has been in form and it makes no sense he’s not on a roster.
  • That being said, Paris is the perfect team for Gismo to warm up against. London as a whole are frying, and I don’t get the feeling they scare the Royal Ravens much. Could be a trap game, but at worst I think London wins in 3-1 fashion.
  • If Nastie can maintain the form he found in the last game (1.38 KD vs LAT) it’s chalked for Paris. Between him and Afro they should put John and Jimbo in the blender.
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  • For Paris, this probably isn’t winnable, but put up a good fight. I would hope the first thing they do is help Jimbo get better internet, because whatever ping he was getting was obviously not good.
  • Speaking of Jimbo, whether or not the ping is good, you have to play a lot better. He dropped -52 kills, which I don’t think I’ve ever seen before, for a .49 KD. Pretty sure that’s the record for worst KD in the league so far, and with 152 engagements you shouldn’t be dying 102 times.
  • Yeah, they only lost 3-2 versus Minnesota, but that was a really rough reverse sweep, especially given it should have been a 3-1 if Standy just stays on the freaking point. As bad as it was though, the AR lineup of GRVTY and Temp are looking pretty good, with Temp in particular looking like the star of this team.

Seattle Surge vs Optic Texas

  • Seattle went from a team everyone was dropping to tenth in power rankings to back on the scene after they beat Faze. While you have to take everything one game at a time, this team got a much needed confidence boost, and they’ll need it versus Optic.
  • If they’re going to win this one, they need Mack to match Shotzzy blow for blow. I’m not asking him to play exactly like him, but harassing Shotzzy will go a long way towards Seattle winning this one.
  • Whatever they do, they need to win the Search and Destroys. Winning them versus this Optic squad might be tough but it’s definitely possible, with S&D seemingly the best mode to take off of them. What Seattle has to avoid is blowing man advantages, as the Thieves let multiple 2v1s slip through their fingers.
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  • They may have had a scare, but Optic exorcized at least one Game 5 Round 11 demon in that one. Clutching up is big for their confidence, and maybe, just maybe, this Optic team is the special one that can close it out at Champs.
  • One thing is for certain, they played a nearly flawless Tuscan Hardpoint, which should scare any team looking to chall them on that map. It wasn’t just the 250-96 drubbing, it was Optic always out-rotating them, and the insanity of three Optic players with 1.92 or better KDs.
  • One map they probably want to get better on is Desert Siege S&D. To follow up a blasting like the opening Tuscan with a self-destruct to the tune of 0-6 was not how you want things to go. And that’s versus a Thieves team that has struggled in this mode.

Minnesota Rokkr vs Boston Breach

  • This one feels like a Minnesota 2,3,5 if they want to pull this one off. Minnesota has really struggled in the Hardpoints, 10th in the league in win % and average point differential, with only their break, hold, and rotation % close to the middle of the pack.
  • If they pull this one off though, it’s going to be tough versus a Boston team that’s really good at Search and Destroy as well. That’d be an issue for plenty of teams, but Minnesota ranks in the top 3 teams in most categories in Search. They have to win here though, or I think they’re going home.
  • So far the Priestahh/Attach role swap hasn’t been detrimental to this squad, but I’m not sure it’s really helped much either. Attach was playing relatively well on the SMG role, but Priestahh hasn’t had a breakout game on it. Maybe it changes here? If it does, it’ll be because he’s all over Nero, who is prone to going big, one way or the other.
"Chips, Chips, Chips!" 🚣‍♂️ | Comms Check – Major II Week 1

  • I’d say Boston needs to win the Control coin flip, but they’re just bad at Control in general. They’re only 2-9 in the mode, with a win on Gavutu and on Tuscan to show for it. They’ve admittedly lost more on Gavutu, but they’ve got a long way to go before either map is a strong spot for them.
  • Just let Capsidal do his thing man. The big guy is frying, and his 54/30 on Bocage was one of the most insane things I’ve ever seen. Watching his POV you almost get sick with how much he’s flying around, and if he’s on point it’s a good thing.
  • Get Tuscan in the mix and veto Berlin. Minnesota has not played well on Tuscan, so it’s all up to vetos to keep it in. Tuscan S&D is very important, because it’s the only map they have a losing record on besides their one loss on Desert Siege. For Berlin, Minnesota has been extremely strong on it on Search, so Boston doesn’t want to make that trip.

Stay tuned to Gaming Trend for our takeaways as Major II qualifiers continue, and we’ll do our best to bring you content here and on our YouTube channel! You can follow the league both live and after hours on the official Call Of Duty League YouTube channel right here. If you want to jump into the game, check out, and if you want to know more about it first, check out our review right here.

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