
Gaming Trend’s Game of the Year Countdown — GOTY

It’s that time of year again, when we put down the controller for a bit and bicker and argue over exactly which game was the best of the best. While none of us got into any fight fights or flame wars, we’ve put aside our differences long enough to come up with a list of games that we think deserve special recognition. Concluding our countdown are our game of the year finalists, and tune in tomorrow at noon MST when announce our winners. Did we forget one of your favorites ? Email me at [email protected], and we’ll make a special shout out for you.

Game of the Year

Each of the titles on this list are representative of the finest in gaming this year. They represent so many different genres and play styles — smaller downloadable games stand next to multi-million dollar blockbuster titles, and free-to-play games line up right alongside thought-provoking experiments in game design and presentation. All are worthy to belong on anyone’s shelf, but only one will be crowned best game of the year.

Mass Effect 3
The Walking Dead
Far Cry 3
Borderlands 2
Planetside 2
Guild Wars 2
Spec Ops: The Line
Halo 4

I've been gaming since my dad made the bad decision of buying me a Nintendo when I was four years old. Every day I'd find myself with my face glued to a TV screen, punching away at buttons, getting furious with Bowser, Dr. Wily, and those freakin' birds in Ninja Gaiden. Since then I have failed to get my parents to play any board game with me, I sold my full copy of Earthbound with box and guide for $300 to some dude in Austria for rent money, and I still believe in Nintendo even after all these years.

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