There’s absolutely no doubt that Bullfrog’s Theme Hospital was one of my favorite games of all time. I enjoyed building my team, running the hospital, and all of the goofy distraction. Taking a turn for the more realistic, developer Spil Games has built a hospital simulator that casts you as an up and coming surgeon. Launching today, in Operate Now: Hospital, players will scrub up and tackle complex surgeries like badly fractured bones, a nicked bowel, and even heart surgery, while juggling interpersonal drama, facility issues, budgets, staffing, and more, all while trying to grow your own skills as a doctor. It’s challenging, and when you are successful, rewarding. Here’s a little more about the game from the developers themselves:
Gamers get a graphic insight into what it feels like to be a surgeon in this simulation game. But the hospital itself is at risk… they also need to build a team and enhance its reputation, if it is to survive.
And as if that wasn’t already dramatic enough, emotions are running high… is paramedic James strong enough to handle things when his tragic history seems certain to repeat itself? How will surgeon Sirona cope with her family crisis? Chief-of-Surgery Noah Stone has a secret — will it bring down the whole hospital?
The great news is that you don’t have to take my word for it. Not only do we have a launch trailer to show you the game in action (see below), we also have an awesome giveaway to share with you! To celebrate the launch of the game, starting today, we are running a contest to give away a $20 Google Play card that can be used on any in-game purchases you might make in the free-to-play title. The contest is simple, and most of the answers can be found with little to no effort. It will run from 5/25 to 5/29, ending on Memorial Day.
Good luck, and enjoy the trailer while you download the game on Google Play or the App Store.
Let’s launch Operate Now: Hospital