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Game Editorials

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Editorials   -   Oct 25, 2014 Mass Effect: How Shaping Shepard Shaped Me
Mass Effect: How Shaping Shepard Shaped Me

Internet, I have a confession to make: My name is not actually Kenneth Shepard. It was a nickname that caught on nearly five years ago when I started jokingly going by it my Junior year of High School when Mass Effect 2 came out. However, what started out as an

by Kenneth Shepard
Editorials   -   Oct 05, 2014 Nintendo: Being Different Shouldn’t Come at the Expense of Quality
Nintendo: Being Different Shouldn't Come at the Expense of Quality

I have a theory: None of the higher-ups at Nintendo own or have played a Sony or Microsoft console. I laugh at my joke, but it’s not like I say this without reason; the reason being that I find it hard to believe a company with such cumbersome and

by Kenneth Shepard
Editorials   -   Aug 30, 2014 DS’ed and Confused: Nintendo’s baffling mission to obscure their next handheld
DS’ed and Confused: Nintendo’s baffling mission to obscure their next handheld

On paper, Nintendo’s new 3DS model seems like a pretty legitimate grab at hardcore gamers. It features two extra shoulder buttons, more forgiving 3D, a new control nub, a faster CPU, and Amiibo support. There’s also going to be an XL version with a much larger screen. These

by Spencer Campbell
Editorials   -   Aug 29, 2014 Destiny – The hidden key to its success
Destiny – The hidden key to its success

The narrative element of video games has always been one of great importance. Whether it was in scrolling 16-bit text, or in full, slightly overlong cutscenes, wonderful tales have been woven since the beginning of this love we call video games. You can look no further for proof of that

by Jay Malone
Editorials   -   Aug 27, 2014 Why Dragon Age: Inquisition is Bioware’s most ambitious and dangerous game yet
Why Dragon Age: Inquisition is Bioware’s most ambitious and dangerous game yet

Warning: The following contains spoilers for Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age: Awakening and Dragon Age II. Reader discretion is advised. Bioware has made some of the most iconic and memorable role playing games in the history of gaming.  Titles that raised the bar for storytelling, interaction, and an incredible depth

by Ron Burke
Editorials   -   Aug 12, 2014 Rise of the Tomb Raider’s Xbox Exclusivity Helps No One
Rise of the Tomb Raider’s Xbox Exclusivity Helps No One

If you’re just now catching up on all the Gamescom news, here’s the one thing you need to take away from Microsoft’s conference: Not one other announcement was more significant that the revelation that Rise of the Tomb Raider, the sequel to last year’s excellent Tomb

by Kenneth Shepard
Editorials   -   Jul 27, 2014 How Aiden Pearce Became the Narrative Undoing of Watch Dogs
How Aiden Pearce Became the Narrative Undoing of Watch Dogs

The following contains spoilers for Watch Dogs, The Last of Us and Heavy Rain. Reader discretion is advised. When a person is playing a video game, you’ll often hear them describe the experience in a way that equates to being sucked into an immersive world that they can play

by Kenneth Shepard
Editorials   -   May 22, 2014 How Activision plans for Destiny to succeed where Call of Duty fails this generation
How Activision plans for Destiny to succeed where Call of Duty fails this generation

Activision is the biggest publisher in the gaming industry; its games generate cash that likely have left moguls of other entertainment mediums swimming in envy. Films such as Avatar and Spiderman, or novels like Harry Potter and Twilight, can’t hold a candle to the magnitude of an IP like

by Sean Lama
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