Prepare to embark on a joyous journey with Harmony: The Fall of Reverie. This captivating narrative game casts you as Polly, a...
In late 2021, the hit Netflix series Squid Game took the world by storm. A dystopian future story, those desperate for money...
Our greatest creation has turned on us. The great mechanical monstrosity just kept growing, devouring resources to fuel its own growth. It's...
The industrial revolution has begun in the country of Astoria, a land of animal-folk. The railroad boom has begun, and you are...
The world is ending, and here we are, arguing about a bunch of dirt. Eschaton is about armageddon, and the cultists bringing...
Alice in Wonderland is an everlasting story that has inspired every artistic medium. Film, television, illustration, and even video games have put...
The simulation genre has been one of the most difficult genres for me to catch onto, particularly those that rely on creativity....
We review a lot of drives around here, but this is the first we’ve heard of KLEVV. A subsidiary of ESSENCORE, KLEVV...
One of the most hotly anticipated games of the year is Stonemaier Games' Expeditions, the standalone sequel to Jamey Stegmaier and Jakub...
Everyone thought after seeing the first trailers for Redfall that we were getting Arkane's take on Left 4 Dead, and while intriguing...
I'm really not a fan of co-op games. There are a couple exceptions, like Gloomhaven and The Crew, but they are few...
The Final Fantasy series is often regarded as one of the best and the most influential JRPG series of all time, and...
The City is gone. In the wake of Consul N’s attack, even the very ground it stood on has been plunged into...
I made the reference in last season’s intro paragraph to “one shot”, a pretty standard shooter call-out that has connotations with how...
The Force awakens with Star Wars Rivals, the collectible strategy dueling game where the light and dark sides of the Force battle...
Get ready to take your love for puzzles to the next level! While jigsaw puzzles are already a favorite pastime for many,...
Is Townsmen yet another town builder on the block, or does it deliver a truly immersive virtual reality experience for the PSVR2?...
Blood Bowl III turns the traditional American football game on its head with a fantasy twist and hilariously brutal football action. Forget...
Death Roads: Tournament is a fast-paced car-fighting game set in a dystopian future. You'll have to put your car and your life...
We’re in something of a fighting game renaissance right now. Games like Dragon Ball FighterZ, Them’s Fightin Herds, Skullgirls, GuiltyGear -Strive-, Tekken,...
As always, we steadfastly refuse to ruin the storyline of any game we review, so rest assured – you are safe to...
Upon waking in the middle of the night, Olle finds that his sister Lillemor is not in her bed. Following in her...
Note: Amid Evil VR added a teleport function in the settings menu shortly after I finished playing. However, it can be very...
Back in 2007, when the original GrimGrimoire was released, it received generally positive reviews. The game was praised for its storytelling and...
Teslagrad was a very interesting Metroidvannia focusing on solving puzzles using electricity and magnetism. After a surprise release the other day, the...
A good parry in a video game is my weakness. My favorite DMC style is Royal Guard, I’ve watched that one famous...
Firefly is a cult classic, a short-lived science fiction/western television series. It’s full of comedy, realistic relationships, and truly human characters. It’s...
Monster Hunter Rise released on PlayStation consoles earlier this year to generally favorable reviews after being exclusive to Nintendo Switch and PC....
I knew I needed to talk to the team behind the Party from its first line of dialogue. It’s a comedically academic...
As you may remember, Horizon Forbidden West was the first game I've ever personally given a 100/100. It hit every note for...
The Sims 4 released the Basement Treasures and the Greenhouse Haven Kits on April 20th, and as many of you know I...