Zach Faber

At E3 2017 I had a chance to sit down with developer Grimlore games and get a look at their upcoming game, Spellforce 3. Spellforce 3 is a prequel to the previous two Spellforce titles by EA Phenomic and is the first in the series developed by Grimlore games. The
by Zach Faber
Who doesn’t like battling giant ogres, saving villagers, dismembering enemies, and slowing down time? At E3 2017 I got to take a look at Extinction, an action game that lets you do all of that. While I only got to see a few minutes of gameplay, what I saw
by Zach Faber
Couch co-op games seem to finally be making a comeback, so when I got the chance to check out Laser League, a game that looked like it thrives at being just that, I was very excited. When I finally I got my hands on the game I wasn’t disappointed.
by Zach Faber
I have played quite a few VR games, but I have never had the chance to play a platformer in VR. To me, the idea of a platformer in VR seemed like it would be a waste of the tech. When I play a VR game I want to feel
by Zach Faber
We all have things we regret, times where we wonder what could have been if we had only done something different. I was faced with these thoughts when I got my first look at the story driven game, Last Day of June, at E3 2017. Beautiful and touching; the first
by Zach Faber
Everything that we have come to expect is gone, all of the comforts that we are used to have been stripped away, and the world as we know it may never be the same. Mario is now in a turned-based tactical strategy game. Guided by Beep-O, a creature that resembles
by Zach Faber
There are few games these days that allow for a group of friends to sit together in a room and just have some good ol’ fashioned fun: enter Black & White Bushido. Playing this stealth-em-up arena brawler with a group of friends is an absolute blast. Getting to see the
by Zach Faber
Slight spoilers for episode one through three are included While the Walking Dead – A New Frontier has, for the most part, been a very refreshing and enjoyable new direction for the series, there were a few missteps that have been dragging it down since episode one. Episode four – Thicker Than
by Zach Faber