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Travis Northup

Number of Articles 158
Travis Northup's Work 158 Articles
Reviews   -   Oct 15, 2014 Dark Souls 2: Crown of the Ivory King Review

The main character in the Dark Souls series has always been the world itself. Whether you’re exploring dark crypts, forgotten kingdoms, or overgrown forests, the unpredictable and terrifying environment is central to the Dark Souls experience. Never has this been more true than with the final chapter of the

by Travis Northup
Reviews   -   Sep 19, 2014 Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Review
Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Review

Professor Layton and Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney are hands-down two of the best mobile games of all time, so when I learned that they’d be joining forces in Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney I assumed that nothing short of greatness could come of it–and for the

by Travis Northup
Reviews   -   Jul 28, 2014 Dark Souls 2: Crown of the Sunken King Review
Dark Souls 2: Crown of the Sunken King Review

“Legend has it that in the deepest reaches of the Black Gulch, behind a door locked from the inside, is a magnificent city built for a great sleeping dragon.” This was part of the description that I was given for a peculiar dragon talon that would open a door to

by Travis Northup
Reviews   -   May 29, 2014 Worms Battlergrounds Review
Worms Battlergrounds Review

The Worms Series started nearly twenty years ago and spans more than 20 titles available on nearly every platform along the way, so it’s a safe bet that if you’re a gamer, you’re familiar with the series. Their latest title, Worms Battlegrounds, brings the familiar gameplay to

by Travis Northup
Reviews   -   May 18, 2014 Borderlands 2 Vita Review
Borderlands 2 Vita Review

As a major fan of shooting things and low-brow humor, Borderlands 2 instantly became one of my favorite games when it launched in 2012. I spent so much time on the couch playing Borderlands 2 that I could barely contain myself when I learned that Gearbox had plans to allow

by Travis Northup
Reviews   -   May 13, 2014 Super TIME Force Review
Super TIME Force Review

I’m a huge fan of time-travel, puns, and 8-bit gaming, and it’s not very often that those three things come together. So when I started playing Super Time Force, a game that combines all three in the best way possible, it was love at first stage. Super Time

by Travis Northup
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