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Travis Northup

Number of Articles 158
Travis Northup's Work 158 Articles
Previews   -   Jun 17, 2015 Taken for a ride – Destiny: The Taken King preview
Taken for a ride – Destiny: The Taken King preview

It wasn’t long after setting foot on the dark, dreary moon of Phobos that I began to feel that something wasn’t right. Cabal starships flew overhead, but instead of engaging me per their usual unsubtle methods, they sped away. My Titan crept down a mountainside and into a

by Travis Northup
Previews   -   Jun 17, 2015 Bigger is better – Halo 5: Guardians Warzone preview
Bigger is better – Halo 5: Guardians Warzone preview

After what many considered to be an ill-advised departure from classic arena combat in recent Halo games, Halo 5’s beta showed players that the series would be returning to its roots. Many fans rejoiced at the end of loadouts, ordnance drops, and armor abilities–myself included. But surely not

by Travis Northup
Reviews   -   Jun 03, 2015 “Second Offense” – The Escapists Review (PS4)
“Second Offense” – The Escapists Review (PS4)

Editor’s Note: We already reviewed this game, so the review below may seem familiar. If you’re looking for what’s different on the PS4, scroll down to “New on PS4.” ______________________________________________________________________________ I’ve never been to prison before, but I like to think that if I ever do end

by Travis Northup
Reviews   -   May 17, 2015 Project CARS Review (PC)
Project CARS Review (PC)

With all of the racing games that focus on huge car rosters, crashes, or “Drive-atars,” developer Slightly Mad Studios aims to shift the focus back on what automotive enthusiasts truly care about: cars. Project CARS is a racing simulator that appropriately writes “CARS” in all caps, and sets itself apart

by Travis Northup
Reviews   -   Apr 19, 2015 Mortal Kombat X Review (XB1) – “Flawless Victory”
Mortal Kombat X Review (XB1) – “Flawless Victory”

The Mortal Kombat series has a long-running record as one of the best 2D-fighters of all time, so it is no small matter when I say that Mortal Kombat X is without a doubt the best Mortal Kombat. Brutal X-ray attacks, bloody uppercuts, and downright cringe-worthy fatalities, all of the

by Travis Northup
Reviews   -   Apr 09, 2015 Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin Review – “Darker Souls”
Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin Review – “Darker Souls”

When Dark Souls 2 came out last year, my only regret was that I had to dust off my old console to play it. There are admittedly few games that I would even bother doing that for, but a Dark Souls game is one of them, and so I begrudgingly

by Travis Northup
Reviews   -   Mar 25, 2015 Borderlands: The Handsome Collection – “Victory Lap Edition”
Borderlands: The Handsome Collection – “Victory Lap Edition”

I don’t think that there are many gamers who still haven’t played Borderlands yet, so I’ll keep this brief: Borderlands 2 and Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel are two great games that come together to be even better than the sum of their parts in Borderlands: The Handsome Collection.

by Travis Northup
Reviews   -   Mar 10, 2015 “A Hell of a Time” – DmC: Devil May Cry Definitive Edition (XB1)
“A Hell of a Time” – DmC: Devil May Cry Definitive Edition (XB1)

I was never much of a fan of the original Devil May Cry series, so when DmC: Devil May Cry rebooted the franchise in 2013, I was surprised to find myself instantly hooked and drawn into the dark, gritty world. DmC: Devil May Cry Definitive Edition reintroduces fans to the

by Travis Northup
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