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Travis Northup

Number of Articles 158
Travis Northup's Work 158 Articles
Reviews   -   Jun 06, 2017 Weak-minded: Randall review
Weak-minded: Randall review

When a side-scrolling “Metroidvania” game is at its best, it’s addictive, challenging, and full of unique experiences. As a fan of the genre, I look back fondly at classics like Super Metroid, and some of the fantastic modern titles like Ori and the Blind Forest. When this genre is

by Travis Northup
Reviews   -   May 29, 2017 Fox & Friends: RiME review
Fox & Friends: RiME review

From the first moment I started playing RiME, I felt completely pulled into its world. The cell-shaded environments and swelling orchestral soundtrack filled me with a sense of wonder and adventure that stuck with me throughout my playthrough. With RiME, Tequila Works has put its world and narrative at the

by Travis Northup
Previews   -   May 19, 2017 Here’s a sneak peek at Destiny 2’s new strike and multiplayer mode
Here’s a sneak peek at Destiny 2’s new strike and multiplayer mode

Bungie unveiled Destiny 2’s gameplay yesterday, and Gaming Trend was lucky enough to get some hands-on time with the game. Here’s what we can share at this time. First up, Destiny 2’s all-new multiplayer mode: Countdown, and attack/defense mode that has players battling it out to

by Travis Northup
Reviews   -   May 15, 2017 A huge surge forward: The Surge review
A huge surge forward: The Surge review

When Lords of the Fallen was launched in 2014, some people scorned Deck 13’s attempt to emulate the “Souls” franchise, which clearly inspired its work. Though the combat was enjoyable and it was more approachable than a Dark Souls game, it borrowed quite a bit and had balance issues

by Travis Northup
Features   -   Mar 21, 2017 The secret, bizarre world of arcade bars and Killer Queen
The secret, bizarre world of arcade bars and Killer Queen

On Saturday, March 4th in the Castro district of San Francisco, California more than sixty millennials gathered to participate in an arcade game tournament. The small, crowded bar was packed with cheering fans, curious onlookers, and animated players glistening with sweat from the heat of competition. The commotion from the

by Travis Northup
Reviews   -   Mar 20, 2017 Fainter stars: Mass Effect Andromeda review
Fainter stars: Mass Effect Andromeda review

Mass Effect is one of those franchises that carries with it an enormous reputation. The original trilogy, though its ending was controversial, is still widely regarded as one of the most beloved trilogies in the medium. With Mass Effect Andromeda, Bioware faces an enormous challenge of living up to those

by Travis Northup
Reviews   -   Feb 20, 2017 Dawn of the droids: Horizon Zero Dawn review

“What if we lost?” This is the central question of many works of science fiction, and Guerrilla Games’ upcoming open-world action game, Horizon Zero Dawn, follows that long tradition. In this case, the question refers to humanity losing all that we’ve built, and becoming consumed by the technology that

by Travis Northup
Previews   -   Jan 19, 2017 Here’s everything we can show you from Halo Wars 2 before release
Here’s everything we can show you from Halo Wars 2 before release

Last week we got our hands on Halo Wars 2, the upcoming spartan-infused real-time strategy for Xbox One and Windows PC. Here’s all the content that we can show you before the game’s release: First up is a mission from the campaign, which gives us a small peek

by Travis Northup
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