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Steven Starkey

Location Northern Virginia
Number of Articles 27
Steven Starkey's Work 27 Articles
Reviews   -   Apr 30, 2019 Troops for a special occasion — Star Wars: Legion Rebel and Imperial Specialists personnel expansions review
Troops for a special occasion — Star Wars: Legion Rebel and Imperial Specialists personnel expansions review

The Rebel Troopers are dug in behind heavy cover, but have taken some casualties from the intense fire coming from two fast-moving Imperial Speeder Bike units. Fortunately for the rebels, a 2-1B Medical Droid is nearby to aid in the recovery of one of the fallen. With a rebel trooper

by Steven Starkey
Reviews   -   Mar 06, 2019 A bird in the hand — Wingspan review
A bird in the hand — Wingspan review

Flocks of birds wheel and turn through the air while a group of enthusiasts try to coax them into their aviaries. You are a bird enthusiast and this is the chance for you to outdo your competitors and develop the greatest collection of North American birds. From ducks paddling in

by Steven Starkey
Reviews   -   Feb 04, 2019 This is the fight we’re looking for — Star Wars: Legion review
This is the fight we’re looking for — Star Wars: Legion review

Luke Skywalker, lightsaber in hand, leads a small strike force across the desolate landscape of an alien planet. The Rebels are moving in on the objective but there is a problem: the dozen Imperial Stormtroopers led by Darth Vader that are moving to counter them. Blaster fire and grenade explosions

by Steven Starkey
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