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Sean Lama

Number of Articles 48
Sean Lama's Work 48 Articles
Podcast   -   Aug 27, 2014 Metatheory Podcast Episode 3 – a pre-PAX Prime celebration
Metatheory Podcast Episode 3 – a pre-PAX Prime celebration

PAX Prime is only a matter of hours away, big companies and small indie teams alike will be flocking to Seattle to show off their latest and greatest games. The thing is though, PAX is more than just an everyman’s E3, it’s a massive opportunity for the little

by Sean Lama
Podcast   -   Aug 22, 2014 Metatheory Podcast Episode 2 – like an episode of Full House, but with 100% more video games
Metatheory Podcast Episode 2 – like an episode of Full House, but with 100% more video games

The Gaming Trend crew comes together for the second episode of the brand new Metatheory Podcast. This episode stars Sean Lama as CHO (Chief Hosting Officer), with Kenneth Shepard, Spencer Campbell, and Lucious Barnes rounding out the panel. Right off the bat things go awry as Spencer lambasts Sean and

by Sean Lama
Podcast   -   Aug 15, 2014 Metatheory Podcast debut episode – Gamescom rocks our world this week
Metatheory Podcast debut episode – Gamescom rocks our world this week

Come one, come all, to the very first episode of the Metatheory Podcast hosted right here at Gaming Trend! We’re very proud to bring this show to you on a weekly basis. The goal is not to be yet another talking space for video games, but rather a broader

by Sean Lama
Reviews   -   Jul 16, 2014 New content, familiar game – Resogun Review
New content, familiar game – Resogun Review

When I originally reviewed Resogun, I deemed it a premier launch title for the PS4. It’s a fast-paced side-scrolling shooter with beautiful visuals and an electrifying soundtrack. It also makes for a fantastic co-op (local co-op, in particular) experience, which gives it major brownie points in my book. With

by Sean Lama
Interviews   -   Jun 16, 2014 Games are growing up this Fall with indie title Oscar
Games are growing up this Fall with indie title Oscar

The last time I spoke to Josh, lead designer and composer on Oscar, the Kickstarter for the game was still 25 days away from completion and the future of Oscar yet to be decided. As fortune would have it, the game met its humble $40,000 pledge goal and development

by Sean Lama
Interviews   -   Jun 15, 2014 We talk to Crytek about Homefront: The Revolution at E3 2014
We talk to Crytek about Homefront: The Revolution at E3 2014

With Crytek purchasing the Homefront IP from THQ, it was only a matter of time before we got a glimpse of the future of the series. In our interview with Crytek at E3, we get a primer on the game’s sequel, Homefront: The Revolution.

by Sean Lama
Interviews   -   Jun 15, 2014 We discuss The Witness with Jonathan Blow

Jonathan Blow has been working on The Witness for five years now and it’s almost ready for release. We catch up with the outspoken game developer at E3 2014 for a quick refresher on what exactly The Witness is all about.

by Sean Lama
Editorials   -   May 22, 2014 How Activision plans for Destiny to succeed where Call of Duty fails this generation
How Activision plans for Destiny to succeed where Call of Duty fails this generation

Activision is the biggest publisher in the gaming industry; its games generate cash that likely have left moguls of other entertainment mediums swimming in envy. Films such as Avatar and Spiderman, or novels like Harry Potter and Twilight, can’t hold a candle to the magnitude of an IP like

by Sean Lama
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