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Sean Anthony

Number of Articles 821
Sean Anthony's Work 821 Articles
News   -   Jul 22, 2019 Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair receives a new trailer highlighting new levels and their alternate states
Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair receives a new trailer highlighting new levels and their alternate states

2D platformer Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair has received a new trailer that highlights some of the new levels and their alternate states. All of the normal levels will each receive an alternate state, some of which greatly increase the difficulty. In Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair, players must rescue

by Sean Anthony
News   -   Jul 18, 2019 CMON and Xplored introduce Teburu, a gaming console that integrates tabletop gaming and the digital world
CMON and Xplored introduce Teburu, a gaming console that integrates tabletop gaming and the digital world

CMON and Xplored have teamed up to introduce the world to Teburu, a console that integrates physical and digital worlds, letting plays focus on the board and its components while the system takes care of managing the rules, enemies’ behavior and storytelling events. The board senses where figures, monsters, and

by Sean Anthony
News   -   Jul 18, 2019 Arena combat with a drone twist, Hoverloop available for free in Steam Early Access
Arena combat with a drone twist, Hoverloop available for free in Steam Early Access

Available as a free title in Steam Early Access, Hoverloop is a split-screen multiplayer arcade arena drone combat game. Currently, it can only be played with up to four players split-screen, but the full game will have online battles for up to 8 players. Hoverloop is a multiplayer arena shooter

by Sean Anthony
News   -   Jul 18, 2019 Participate in VR gladiator battles, GORN released out of early access with new content
Participate in VR gladiator battles, GORN released out of early access with new content

After being in early access for two years, GORN has officially been released with new content such as a showdown with a longtime nemesis and a new weapon.  The game focuses on fighting giant crabs and pummeling foes with their own body parts during intense gladiator battles. GORN is a

by Sean Anthony
News   -   Jul 17, 2019 Noire novella investigative game Night Call now available on Steam and Xbox Game Pass for PC
Noire novella investigative game Night Call now available on Steam and Xbox Game Pass for PC

Taking place in modern day Paris, Night Call is a narrative experience with a touch of resource management and investigative mechanics. The story of the game is told primarily through its 70+ cab passengers. We look at Night Call as a strong narrative experience with light resource management and investigation

by Sean Anthony
News   -   Jul 17, 2019 Mercenaries mode, a PvPvE experience, to be added to Ghost Recon: Wildlands tomorrow
Mercenaries mode, a PvPvE experience, to be added to Ghost Recon: Wildlands tomorrow

Ubisoft today announced an eight player free-for-all PvPvE experience for Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Wildlands called Mercenaries. This mode has eight players battling it out while looting for gear after starting out with hardly anything. At the beginning of the match, the extraction point is unknown and players will

by Sean Anthony
News   -   Jul 17, 2019 Post-Brexit management game Not Tonight: Take Back Control Edition comes to Nintendo Switch another day
Post-Brexit management game Not Tonight: Take Back Control Edition comes to Nintendo Switch another day

Best-selling anti-Brexit  bouncer sim Not Tonight: Take Back Control Edition is heading towards Nintendo Switch later this year. The game is a management sim where you can choose to be part of the resistance or keep your head down, drink a pint, and wait for the whole thing to blow

by Sean Anthony
News   -   Jul 16, 2019 Harvest Moon: Light of Hope Special Edition Complete comes to PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, on July 30th
Harvest Moon: Light of Hope Special Edition Complete comes to PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, on July 30th

Harvest Moon: Light of Hope Special Edition Complete will contain all of the DLC currently available for the base game. The game contains co-op play and special features made specifically for consoles. Harvest Moon: Light of Hope Special Edition Complete has special features made specifically for consoles and introduces Soleil,

by Sean Anthony
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