Ron Burke
Ron Burke is the Editor in Chief for Gaming Trend. Loves RPGs, action/adventure, and VR, but also dabbles in 3D printing, martial arts, and flight!

What the world needs right now is more cooperation, so why not team up, put on glistening, golden Arthurian-esque knight’s armor, and cut through scores of enemies as you collect scads of loot together? In a nutshell, that’s Godfall — let’s get into it. The actual storyline of
by Ron Burke
There are two classes of people; those who believe games are art, and those who are wrong. If you need some examples, there are numerous across all genres, with several standouts like Flower, Shadow of the Colossus, Ico, Firewatch, Gone Home, Journey, and so many more. Developer Giant Squid, maker
by Ron Burke
Bloober Team, the crew behind games like the Layers of Fear titles, The Blair Witch, and the upcoming dueling-world title The Medium, also gave us a game called >observer_ — a cyberpunk psychological thriller. In >observer_ (let’s just roll with “Observer” from now on) you are cast as
by Ron Burke
Editor Travis Northup gave us a fantastic review that I couldn’t possibly top, covering every aspect of Devil May Cry 5 on Xbox One X, so I’m not going to rehash what he’s already covered so well. Instead, I’m going to talk about the improvements you
by Ron Burke
Reviewing a console is always interesting as it is a collection of hardware that ultimately serves to provide you with delicious content. Still, these devices are amazing feats of engineering worth doing a deep dive into, so let’s do exactly that. The PlayStation 5 is Sony’s newest iteration
by Ron Burke
How does Peter Parker go on vacation? Well, when he was on his own he couldn’t, but that was before he met Miles Morales. Miles, also bitten by a radioactive spider (how many of these things are running around New York?!), is now Peter’s prodigy, giving the original
by Ron Burke
Godfall is one of the most-anticipated titles coming to PlayStation 5 and PC this year, offering soulslike combat, five character classes, a dozen armor types called “Valorplates” that provide special powers and skills, gorgeous 4K/60 graphics, and a story inspired by Isaac Asimov’s Foundation books for you to
by Ron Burke
Reviewing a console is a bit strange as you don’t play the hardware, but the games you install on it. That said, this new generation is a massive leap forward in several ways and deserves additional attention beyond the launch games that ship with it. Without further ado, let’
by Ron Burke