Ron Burke
Ron Burke is the Editor in Chief for Gaming Trend. Loves RPGs, action/adventure, and VR, but also dabbles in 3D printing, martial arts, and flight!

You’ve “got gud” and Fornighted the magical Underground Players in the Warzone , you’ve raced all the Formula Horizon races, and you’ve Called the Duty of all the Battlefield Halos. Sometimes it’s great to slow down a bit and do something completely different. Since the VR industry
by Ron Burke
One of William Gibson’s quotes continues to swirl around in my head, and every year it becomes more true. “The future is already here — it’s just not very evenly distributed” describes the world in a very real way, but what happens when we answer those ethical and moral
by Ron Burke
Ok guys, looks like we’ve finally stood up this little thatch hut. What should we build next? By the way, does a bear crap in the woods? Well we are about to find out. As a massive brown bear crashed through our thatch-roofed shanty and ate the entire team,
by Ron Burke
As we continue to work from home, more employers are starting to embrace remote work as the new normal. Finding ourselves needing to transform our workspace and trying to balance work, our health, and our free time, new tools are needed. Recently we took a look at a home solution
by Ron Burke
An action adventure game based on the works of H.P. Lovecraft and made by Lara Croft designer Toby Gard? Sign me up! I’ve recently gotten my hands on an Early Access build of Dream Cycle — an adventure game built around magic, combat, and the expansive universe that lies
by Ron Burke
You fish around in your top drawer and find that old USB thumb drive you got from that conference back in 2015. If the dodgy thing has enough space to handle whatever you are moving, you might as well just strap in for a long copy time. Let’s face
by Ron Burke
I own a lot of backpacks. Let’s not get into how many as that’s just going to make everyone uncomfortable. The gaming industry supplies backpacks and satchels like candy on a table, so I’ve ended up with more than a few. Some are fantastic, like the packs
by Ron Burke
Techland is leaning into the cool audio stories that you find in the game, giving us the second Urban Legend entitled “Antigone”. These stories provide some of the backstory that fill in the gaps of the last 20 years between the first Dying Light and this newest installment. Let’s
by Ron Burke