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Ron Burke

Ron Burke is the Editor in Chief for Gaming Trend. Loves RPGs, action/adventure, and VR, but also dabbles in 3D printing, martial arts, and flight!

Location Texas
Number of Articles 1357
Ron Burke's Work 1357 Articles
Previews   -   Dec 01, 2022 Company of Heroes 3 Hands-On Preview — “As long as there are sovereign nations possessing great power, war is inevitable”
Company of Heroes 3 Hands-On Preview — “As long as there are sovereign nations possessing great power, war is inevitable”

Company of Heroes and its sequel soaked up a metric ton of tactical time for me, so I was more than a little excited to check out what Relic Entertainment had up their sleeve for the third entry. With nine years between entries, could they recapture what made Company of

by Ron Burke
News   -   Nov 30, 2022 Stranded: Alien Dawn Dunes and Moons hands-on preview — Everything wants to kill me, and now it’s hot too?!
Stranded: Alien Dawn Dunes and Moons hands-on preview — Everything wants to kill me, and now it’s hot too?!

Developer Haemimont Games could be winding down for the holidays, but clearly they have more to show in their Early Access game Stranded: Alien Dawn before they do. We took a look at the game’s current state in Early Access just over a month ago, but honestly the game

by Ron Burke
News   -   Nov 26, 2022 E-WIN and GamingTrend team up for deals on Black Friday Weekend!
E-WIN and GamingTrend team up for deals on Black Friday Weekend!

You know we liked the chairs from E-WIN quite a bit, so it’s no surprise that we’d be celebrating their Black Friday deals.  We’ve got an exclusive code to share with you for this entire weekend to get you upwards of an additional $270 off your chair

by Ron Burke
Previews   -   Nov 23, 2022 Deliver Us Mars hands-on preview — Mars is there, waiting to be reached.
Deliver Us Mars hands-on preview  — Mars is there, waiting to be reached.

Deliver Us Mars, the sequel to the excellent Deliver Us The Moon, is right around the corner and we’ve gotten to go hands-on with a near-final version of the game ahead of its February release. Playing for about two hours, we had unfettered access to a number of new

by Ron Burke
News   -   Nov 22, 2022 FlexiSpot’s Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals for 2022 are here
FlexiSpot’s Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals for 2022 are here

If you read Gaming Trend, you know that I’m a huge fan of Flexispot and their sit/stand desks.  They’ve also got some fantastic products like height adjustable sewing and draft tables, whiteboards, L-shaped standing desks, ergonomic chairs and pedalbikes, and even two adjustable bed bases that can

by Ron Burke
Previews   -   Nov 22, 2022 Warhammer 40,000: Daemonhunters – Duty Eternal preview — Unto the anvil of war!
Warhammer 40,000: Daemonhunters – Duty Eternal preview — Unto the anvil of war!

You may have seen the announcement of the rapidly-approaching expansion for Warhammer 40,000: Daemonhunters, but with the trailer simply showing a silhouette you might be feeling a little bit in the dark. Well, I’m here to shine light on the situation, fellow Knights. There’s a hulking behemoth

by Ron Burke
Reviews   -   Nov 19, 2022 Kingston FURY Beast DDR5 RGB RAM roundup review — Well-lit, powerful, and rated to run
Kingston FURY Beast DDR5 RGB RAM roundup review — Well-lit, powerful, and rated to run

I could just run some benchmarks, point to the pretty lights, and say “See? DDR5 RAM goes BRRRRR really fast!” and call it a day. That’s not how I like to do things. As such, we are going to do a deep dive on what all of these various

by Ron Burke
Reviews   -   Nov 18, 2022 Sega Genesis Mini 2 review — Nostalgia Upgraded
Sega Genesis Mini 2 review — Nostalgia Upgraded

I grew up poor. Dirt poor, in fact. I never owned a NES, SNES, Genesis, SegaCD, or really any console as a kid. Instead, I’d rent a console from Blockbuster or visit a friend who had one. Most of my friends were Nintendo kids, but a few of them

by Ron Burke
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