Ron Burke
Ron Burke is the Editor in Chief for Gaming Trend. Loves RPGs, action/adventure, and VR, but also dabbles in 3D printing, martial arts, and flight!

I never imagined a world where I’d be describing God of War as an emotional and well-wrought storyline wrapped around challenging yet well-balanced gameplay, but here we are. Technically the seventh game in the series (console and portable, minus the mobile game), this newest God of War represents a
by Ron Burke
HyperX has been on a roll lately. In August of last year, I took a look at their HyperX Alloy Elite keyboard (my review), and I came away supremely impressed. I also checked out the Pulsefire Gaming Mouse (my review) and again had high expectations that were met. Now, they’
by Ron Burke
When I was debating which VR rig I wanted to buy, there was one game, exclusive to the Oculus Rift, that kept coming up — The Mage’s Tale. The game scratched the itch of being a powerful wizard, looked fantastic, and almost compelled me to buy Facebook’s VR HMD.
by Ron Burke
Most DLC tends to fall into the “snippet” bucket. You get a small snap-on piece that lets you drop in a building or two, or maybe adds some small feature. Yea…this isn’t that. The team at Frontier Studios, despite working hard for a mid-year release for their upcoming
by Ron Burke
Before we talk about Far Cry 5, I need to address a problem that Ubisoft had been battling for a while — Intellectual Property stagnation. Assassin’s Creed had fallen into a rut, as had Rainbow Six, and some might argue Splinter Cell and even Far Cry. I believe they recognized
by Ron Burke
Until Assassin’s Creed Origins (Hunter’s review) came out, Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag (my written review, and my video review) was one of my favorite of the series. When it was re-released on PlayStation 4, many of the remaining bugs, and all of the graphical holes were
by Ron Burke
I’m not a doctor. I don’t even play one on TV. I don’t know why they’ve handed me a scalpel, but hey…I’m wearing this white jacket, and this stethoscope I found on the sidewalk seems to fit, so let’s use the rib spreader,
by Ron Burke
If you’ve not picked up on it, I’m a big fan of Planet Coaster. It was easily one of my favorite games of last year, and is still my go-to to while away time between titles. Well, coming shortly, we’ll all have a reason to boot it
by Ron Burke