Nick South

Medieval times were hardly for the faint of heart. Treachery, wars, plagues, and famine were all too commonplace. Lords of the period were in a constant battle for power and prestige with only the savviest, and perhaps most brutal, rising highest among the ranks of nobility. Despite the horrific backdrop,
by Nick South
New Bedford is certainly not the first game to be released with an unconventional theme. Greater than Game’s release about eighteenth century whaling is no more unique than, say, Takenoko’s feeding of pandas or Rococo’s dress designing in Renaissance era France. As the former games show, unusual
by Nick South
It’s not unheard of for board game companies to venture into the foray of digital games. Academy Games, a board game company with a small but impressive list of titles, is the latest company to do so with their release of 1775 Rebellion. The game, part of Academy’s
by Nick South
I remember the moment that broke Scrabble for me. The ubiquitous word game had always been enjoyable until a scholar once told me the secret. “Memorize all the two letter combinations,” he told me. I had seen him repeatedly win games by coming up with strange words, or so called
by Nick South
For anything to be considered a classic, it’s got to stand the test of time. Movies need to be enduring. Music needs to be timeless. What about board games? The term gets used for games that have been around for years such as Candy Land, Monopoly, and Checkers, but
by Nick South
Think for a moment of the five fantasy/science fiction movie franchises that have dominated the first years of the 21st century: Marvel, Star Wars, Star Trek, Lord of the Rings, and Harry Potter. Now, think of a great board game that’s set in those universes. Marvel has Legendary,
by Nick South
Everyone can remember the first time they tried something new, whether that be riding a bike, getting a job, or getting a car. If you’re a gamer, chances are you remember that first game that pulled you into the hobby. For me, it was Axis & Allies: my teen
by Nick South
In today’s digital world, it’s difficult to imagine a world in the not-so-distant past that included rotary phones, typewriters, and daily newspapers. Sure, the latter has yet to join the others in extinction, but when was the last time you saw anyone actually read a newspaper that wasn’
by Nick South