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Nick Cvercko

Number of Articles 12
Nick Cvercko's Work 12 Articles
News   -   Aug 03, 2020 Fantasy Flight announce expansion for Twilight Imperium Fourth Edition
Fantasy Flight announce expansion for Twilight Imperium Fourth Edition

The most epic game in Fantasy Flight’s collection just got bigger and more exciting. Prophecy of Kings is the new announced expansion for the behemoth. Fans will be excited not only for extra factions, but new planets and mechs to boot! You’ll need a bigger table though, as

by Nick Cvercko
Reviews   -   Oct 30, 2019 Bringing balance to the lands — A Mystic Vale Harmony Expansion review
Bringing balance to the lands — A Mystic Vale Harmony Expansion review

As a druid the wilderness is your home, and when a threat presents itself to your land, you do all you can to restore it to its former glory. You must bond with nature and build your strength with it in order to bring peace and harmony back once again.

by Nick Cvercko
Reviews   -   Jul 31, 2019 Planetary Colonization Race! – Space Gate Odyssey review
Planetary Colonization Race! – Space Gate Odyssey review

Well, we’ve finally done it; Earth is all but uninhabitable. Luckily we found a set of 6 planets all ripe for colonization. We’ll have to warp through space gates to get there, but let’s send people there ASAP. Space Gate Odyssey is a competitive worker placement/engine

by Nick Cvercko
Reviews   -   Jul 24, 2019 T.I.M.E. to go to France! – T.I.M.E. Stories Madame review
T.I.M.E. to go to France! – T.I.M.E. Stories Madame review

Let’s travel through time! Where (or when) to? Let’s get into our Caissons and find out! Madame is the latest chapter of the T.I.M.E. stories saga. In this adventure, you and two or three others travel back to Versailles in the late 1600s. You are

by Nick Cvercko
Previews   -   Jul 05, 2019 Battle Construction! — Two Robots Preview
Battle Construction! — Two Robots Preview

It’s the year 2876 on a planet called Rennova. A great robot war has just ended, and mankind begins to literally pick up the pieces, but they keep an eye on their neighbor, fearing future attacks. Two Robots is a competitive card game for 2-4 players by a brand

by Nick Cvercko
Reviews   -   May 23, 2019 Calling all Mages! — A Res Arcana review
Calling all Mages! — A Res Arcana review

As a lover of big complex games, I sometimes need to realize that not everyone is down with the concentration it takes to learn a really complex game like Lisboa, or with the time commitment of a game like Twilight Imperium. Sometimes people want a quick game that’s easy

by Nick Cvercko
Reviews   -   May 08, 2019 A whole new way to build — Architects of the West Kingdom review
A whole new way to build — Architects of the West Kingdom review

It’s 850 AD, and the king wishes to build his kingdom as quickly as possible, and by any means necessary. He employs you and other eager architects of the west kingdom to get the job done. He cares not for what you must do to undercut each other, he

by Nick Cvercko
Reviews   -   May 07, 2019 EPIC fantasy – A Middara Unintentional Malum: Act 1 review
EPIC fantasy – A Middara Unintentional Malum: Act 1 review

In the world of tabletop games, massive dungeon crawlers have become a favorite of many, and “the bigger the better” seems to be the opinion of the fans and creators. Recent boxes have become gargantuan to house the enormous amount of storytelling and varied options included in the experience. The

by Nick Cvercko
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