Lucious Barnes

When it comes to videogames that share the same genre, especially with how many we have these days, there are precious few things that can set them apart. Sometimes these differences are big. A title comes out bristling with new mechanics and features the gaming population has never seen before,
by Lucious Barnes
With growing consistency, video games have been seeping out of their prior constraints and appearing in other forms of media. From films, to novels, to comics- there seems to be fewer and fewer limitations on how a person can enjoy their favorite creative content. It’s a very exciting and
by Lucious Barnes
Taking off shortly after the events of Assassin’s Creed: Assassins issue number five, the sixth opens with our heroine, Charlotte ‘Char’ De La Cruz, becoming a more reluctant member of the team as the full weight of her new obligations begin to weigh on her. In addition to the
by Lucious Barnes
Last year, Titan comics introduced us to the world of Charlotte De La Cruz and her violent induction into the shadowy war between the Assassin Brotherhood and the Templar Order. As her adventure continues in the modern day, another story has emerged, revealing to us not only a tale from
by Lucious Barnes
Once upon a time, I met one of my heroes of the gaming journalism world at a media event. After spending the first few minutes of our encounter with me being utterly starstuck, we eventually got on with the business of talking about the job. I asked him what advice
by Lucious Barnes
In the later part of 2015 Titan comics introduced us to the Assassin’s Creed comic series, which told us the tale of Charlotte ‘Char’ de la Cruz and her adventures as the Assassin Brotherhood’s newest draftee in their clandestine war against the Templar Order. This monthly five part
by Lucious Barnes
It’s been a couple years since I first took on the role of the torch-headed familiar, Hundred Knight, and clumsily (borderline inaudibly) swore my allegiance to the excitable swamp witch Metallia, beginning my lonesome quest to free her from her self-described undeserved captivity. It was an ironically cheerful story
by Lucious Barnes
Like other game series which have clearly locked into their identity, (I’m looking at you Warriors titles) the Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm franchise rarely attempts to reinvent the wheel of its own success. It’s found something that works and consistently pleases an audience who lovingly support it.
by Lucious Barnes