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Kit Harrison

Number of Articles 15
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Reviews   -   Jul 22, 2015 Based on a novel by a man named Lear – Paperback Review
Based on a novel by a man named Lear – Paperback Review

Before we get started, let me say that you really should just stop reading this right now, get in your car, drive on down to your friendly neighborhood game store and get yourself a copy of Paperback. It’s a little difficult to get a copy, since first time designer

by Kit Harrison
Reviews   -   Jul 20, 2015 Looking Good, Billy Ray! – Stockpile Review
Looking Good, Billy Ray! – Stockpile Review

I have the sneaking suspicion that at some level, everyone imagines themselves to be a sort of stock picking savant. With a bit of capital to play with, they would inevitably turn out to be investing geniuses, passing the time (profitably) at the local coffee house while cackling over their

by Kit Harrison
Reviews   -   Jun 24, 2015 Ripples on a quiet lake — Lanterns: The Harvest Festival Review
Ripples on a quiet lake — Lanterns: The Harvest Festival Review

Lanterns: The Harvest Festival is one of the most purely relaxing games I have played in a long while.  If first time designer Christopher Chung was shooting for “sitting on a small dinghy in the middle of a quiet glassy lake while surrounded by colored glowing paper lanterns”, he really

by Kit Harrison
Reviews   -   Jun 22, 2015 A Day in Wine Country — Viticulture Review
A Day in Wine Country — Viticulture Review

I enjoy the occasional glass of wine. I don’t know much about it though and truth be told I’m probably more of a beer drinker. Sometimes I’ll like one wine more than another, but most of the time I have basically the same reaction: “Pretty good!” Regardless

by Kit Harrison
Reviews   -   Jun 03, 2015 They See Me Rollin — Nations: The Dice Game
They See Me Rollin — Nations: The Dice Game

The great thing about the current (golden?) era in boardgames is there is something for almost every situation, timeframe, preference and mood. “Hey, you didn’t happen to see a light, 30-35 minute, civilization-themed, dice-rolling, engine-building game with limited interaction and a standout solo-variant walking by this way, did you?

by Kit Harrison
Reviews   -   May 26, 2015 Filmed 100% in IMAX — Imperial Assault
Filmed 100% in IMAX — Imperial Assault

Leading up to the release of Imperial Assault during GenCon 2014, many throughout the boardgame world had for a while been openly and loudly wishing for a Star Wars themed version of Twilight Imperium, but turned out it was another Fantasy Flight Games classic, Descent, that got the Star Wars

by Kit Harrison
Reviews   -   May 12, 2015 Caution, “scientists” at work — Alchemists Review
Caution, “scientists” at work — Alchemists Review

I remember playing with my chemistry set as a kid and getting the idea to mix together everything that said “poison” or “danger,” which seemed the only natural thing to do. The result was a chalky light blue concoction that was strangely cold to the touch. Thankfully, I had enough

by Kit Harrison
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