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Kenneth Shepard

Number of Articles 187
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A Kay Purcell 317 Articles
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Abdul Saad 55 Articles
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Kenneth Shepard's Work 187 Articles
Editorials   -   Nov 24, 2014 Dragon Age: Why Games Need More Characters Like Dorian Pavus
Dragon Age: Why Games Need More Characters Like Dorian Pavus

[The following contains spoilers for Dragon Age: Inquisition. Reader discretion is advised.] The word “inclusivity” is getting thrown around a lot these days within the games industry. It’s an ongoing loud and heated debate arguing that that the video game medium needs a wider variety of protagonists, characters and

by Kenneth Shepard
Features   -   Nov 21, 2014 Xbox One: One Year Later
Xbox One: One Year Later

The Xbox One has undergone quite a transformation since it was unveiled back in May of last year. What was once the “All-in-One” entertainment device is now missing the Kinect and DRM restrictions that were supposedly necessities, and the console has shed $150 of its original asking price. The Xbox

by Kenneth Shepard
Reviews   -   Nov 20, 2014 Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth – More Than Meets The Eye
Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth – More Than Meets The Eye

As bizarre as it might sound, I consider Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth to be the first game to give me the “Dark Souls experience.” Initially, the game just seemed like a long series of challenges that sometimes seemed completely arbitrary and complicated, that also happened to throw together

by Kenneth Shepard
Features   -   Nov 14, 2014 PlayStation 4: One Year Later
PlayStation 4: One Year Later

On November 14th of last year, I skipped out on all my classes before a friend and I headed to the next town over to kill time until the PlayStation 4 launched at midnight. It had been a long nine months since Sony revealed the system, and I was eager

by Kenneth Shepard
Editorials   -   Nov 14, 2014 Sly Cooper: The Responsibility That Comes With Cliffhangers and Reviving Old Series
Sly Cooper: The Responsibility That Comes With Cliffhangers and Reviving Old Series

[The following contains spoilers for Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time. Reader discretion is advised] As someone who works in the video game industry, when there’s disappointing news I try to be understanding. If a game isn’t good, I get it, games are hard to make. If a game

by Kenneth Shepard
Impressions   -   Oct 28, 2014 Homecoming – Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire Impressions
Homecoming - Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire Impressions

If you’re a fan of Pokemon, you’ve likely already played the demo version of Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire. Some of us at Gaming Trend recently tried out the piece of the upcoming remakes, and we’ve got some impressions to throw your way. Kenneth Shepard Pokemon

by Kenneth Shepard
Editorials   -   Oct 25, 2014 Mass Effect: How Shaping Shepard Shaped Me
Mass Effect: How Shaping Shepard Shaped Me

Internet, I have a confession to make: My name is not actually Kenneth Shepard. It was a nickname that caught on nearly five years ago when I started jokingly going by it my Junior year of High School when Mass Effect 2 came out. However, what started out as an

by Kenneth Shepard
Features   -   Oct 14, 2014 Gaming Trend Pitches Kingdom Hearts III
Gaming Trend Pitches Kingdom Hearts III

As sad as it may be, Kingdom Hearts III is likely three or four years away from its eventual launch on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Announced at Sony’s E3 press conference last year, Kingdom Hearts III still doesn’t appear to be too far into development. Director

by Kenneth Shepard
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