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Kenneth Shepard

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A Kay Purcell 317 Articles
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Kenneth Shepard's Work 187 Articles
Reviews   -   Aug 24, 2015 Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls — This queenless kingdom
Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls — This queenless kingdom

Now that Spike Chunsoft has taken players outside of the walls of Hope’s Peak Academy, one would expect a third-person shooter Danganronpa game to feel less enclosed, and for the player to not feel the same confinement they did when locked inside a school where they were forced to

by Kenneth Shepard
Podcast   -   Aug 21, 2015 Gaming Trend Podcast: It might get weird
Gaming Trend Podcast: It might get weird

Travis Northup has returned to the third chair for this episode of the GT Reboot Podcast, and things fall apart just as quickly as you’d expect them to in that scenario. Eric and Kenneth are joined by Travis and Josh Devlin as we talk about everything but the new

by Kenneth Shepard
Impressions   -   Aug 19, 2015 Tales from the Borderlands: “Escape Plan Bravo” — Retroactive futility
Tales from the Borderlands: “Escape Plan Bravo” — Retroactive futility

[UPDATE: After discussing the latest episode of Tales from the Borderlands, we were made aware that “Escape Plan Bravo” actually contains an ending separate to the one we got when playing the game for review. The issue was that of the two ways the episode could end, one of them

by Kenneth Shepard
Reviews   -   Aug 13, 2015 Dragon Age: Inquisition “The Descent” — Light at the end of the tunnel
Dragon Age: Inquisition “The Descent” — Light at the end of the tunnel

While Dragon Age: Inquisition’s latest DLC “The Descent” is full of content, new equipment, and more time with the wonderful members of its titular organization, whether the add-on is worth your time and money is largely dependent on how invested you are in a certain aspect of the series’

by Kenneth Shepard
Podcast   -   Aug 11, 2015 Gaming Trend Podcast: Social Link go!
Gaming Trend Podcast: Social Link go!

It’s another two-man show, with Eric and Kenneth here to discuss current events, social links, and despair-inducing bears. Kenneth talks his early thoughts on Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls, while Eric gives the first of many Persona 3 updates he’ll be giving on the show. We also

by Kenneth Shepard
Podcast   -   Aug 07, 2015 Gaming Trend Podcast: Gamescommentary
Gaming Trend Podcast: Gamescommentary

Gamescom was this week, and since Microsoft was the only one who showed up, it’s a pretty Xbox-heavy show this week. After discussing Rare Replay and mourning the loss of Kameo II, Kenneth, Matt, and Josh go announcement by announcement through Microsoft’s Gamescom showing. The long-awaited Quantum Break

by Kenneth Shepard
Podcast   -   Jul 28, 2015 Gaming Trend Podcast: Everything is pointless
Gaming Trend Podcast: Everything is pointless

It’s a two-man show on this week’s show, as only the hosts are here to talk about all the recent happenings in the video game industry. This week, Kenneth and Eric talk the penultimate episode of Game of Thrones and the narrative failings of Atlus’ Lost Dimension. As

by Kenneth Shepard
Impressions   -   Jul 27, 2015 Game of Thrones: “A Nest of Vipers” – A tale of two sons
Game of Thrones: “A Nest of Vipers” – A tale of two sons

[The following is part five of our ongoing impressions of Game of Thrones. Check out our thoughts on episode four, “Sons of Winter,” here] For as much as Game of Throne’s “A Nest of Vipers” falls into TellTale’s typical penultimate episode moments of fluff and filler, the fifth

by Kenneth Shepard
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