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Keith Schleicher

Number of Articles 220
Keith Schleicher's Work 220 Articles
Previews   -   Jun 25, 2018 Critter corporations — Raccoon Tycoon Preview
Critter corporations — Raccoon Tycoon Preview

When you look at Glenn Drover’s gaming designs, you might think that he prefers games with lots of figures and some form of combat. With games like WarQuest, Age of Empires III, and Conquest of the Empire, you might wonder if he likes to play any other kinds of

by Keith Schleicher
Interviews   -   Jun 05, 2018 Crazy Eights: Lance Hill of Funhill Games on Wisdom of Solomon
Crazy Eights: Lance Hill of Funhill Games on Wisdom of Solomon

Often when games are reprinted, they keep the same figures, artwork, and pieces as the previous addition.  Sometimes the rulebook may get errors corrected or give clearer examples, but usually it stays the same.  Occasionally a new edition will come out so differently that it gets a name change.  That’

by Keith Schleicher
Interviews   -   Jun 05, 2018 Crazy Eights: Ryan Lesser of Wild Power Games on Streets of Steel
Crazy Eights: Ryan Lesser of Wild Power Games on Streets of Steel

While there have been plenty of board games that have some form of fighting in them, it’s generally in a dungeon crawler or a one on one fighter.  Wild Power Games has created a side-scrolling fighter that mimics games like Final Fight, Golden Axe, and Double Dragon.  To find

by Keith Schleicher
Interviews   -   May 25, 2018 Crazy Eights: Martin Cirulis answers questions about The Pit: The Board Game
Crazy Eights: Martin Cirulis answers questions about The Pit: The Board Game

It’s not unusual for board game companies to get different licenses to enhance the theme of the game.  Computer games like Fallout, Doom, and Sid Meier’s Civilization have been brought to the tabletop by Fantasy Flight.  However, you don’t see many computer game companies creating their own

by Keith Schleicher
News   -   May 24, 2018 The Apocalypse is heading to Clank! In! Space!
The Apocalypse is heading to Clank! In! Space!

Last year Renegade Game Studios was able to surprise almost everyone at Gen Con when they released Clank! In! Space!, a sci-fi spinoff of the original Clank!  While Clank! has already received two expansions, we haven’t seen anything for the sequel.  That wait will be ending soon, as the

by Keith Schleicher
Interviews   -   May 18, 2018 Crazy Eights: Mel Primus answers questions on Penny Lane
Crazy Eights: Mel Primus answers questions on Penny Lane

Worker placement games can be tricky.  Many have a problem with the player going first having a huge advantage. Other one can feel like it plays too similarly play after play.  Gamers may also be asking themselves how many worker placement games about farming are really needed.  Penny Lane has

by Keith Schleicher
Interviews   -   Apr 18, 2018 Crazy Eights: Julie Ahern answers questions on Helios Expanse
Crazy Eights: Julie Ahern answers questions on Helios Expanse

It seems like typical 4X games are huge endeavors that last for hours with diplomacy, politics, and combat mixed together in an elaborate set of rules.  Twilight Imperium and Eclipse are a couple of games that define the genre.  When Greenbrier Games announced Helios Expanse, I was skeptical of its

by Keith Schleicher
News   -   Apr 17, 2018 Mansions of Madness is getting it’s own PC game
Mansions of Madness is getting it’s own PC game

Mansions of Madness has taken off with the Second Edition.  Most of the fidliness found in the First Edition is gone with the addition of an app that streamlines the gameplay.  It sounds like Fantasy Flight wants to expand their reach with a new PC game based on that Lovecraft

by Keith Schleicher
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