Justin Pauls

Trials of the Blood Dragon continues the storyline found in Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon, but instead of being a shooter it is at it’s core, this iteration brings forth both the over-the-top side-scrolling antics seen in previous Trials games along with a cheeseball plot and presentation that goes
by Justin Pauls
Mojang’s smash hit, Minecraft, is now available for Nintendo’s Wii U. It comes complete with low-res textures, blocky trees and even blockier animals; often referred to as digital Lego, it truly is a game of building and exploring and is totally unbridled from a narrative. Given the game
by Justin Pauls
It’s likely that, if you’ve owned one of the current generation consoles for more than a year, you may have run out of disk space. Data Bank, one of Nyko’s latest peripheral offerings, provides expanded storage space by providing a housing and connections to install your own
by Justin Pauls
Fortified!, a 1960’s sci-fi themed tower defense game made by Clapfoot, is at its essence a balancing act. A capable third-person shooter combined with the strategy of placing defensive structures, both between and during waves of Martian invaders, works quite well but it isn’t all good news. Our
by Justin Pauls
I have to admit, a lot of the games I was looking forward to have been pushed back or are slated for 2016 and beyond. In fact, a lot of my list surprised me in terms of how much they kept my attention, given the burgeoning backlog of gaming I
by Justin Pauls
The evolution of the post-modern shooter is here, and the market is crowded with squad-based combat tactics, cybernetic enhancements including enhanced mobility and vision modes. We have plenty of space marines, wall-running and enough tech installed in people to officially forfeit the term lifespan in favour of “warranty period.” I
by Justin PaulsBlack Ops has never been about clarity. Let that sink in while I introduce you to a man I had the pleasure of talking to – Jason Blundell, director at Treyarch and responsible for both the campaign and zombie game modes. Not only is his body of work mysterious, but so
by Justin Pauls
If the Anno series is old-hat for you, then perhaps this review isn’t going to bring out the content you’re looking for. I end up playing games that take less time – not because world-building and RTS games don’t interest me, but they can be massive time sinks
by Justin Pauls