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Joshua Davis

Number of Articles 15
Joshua Davis's Work 15 Articles
Reviews   -   Oct 05, 2016 Please wait while the robots are syncing: AEGIS review
Please wait while the robots are syncing: AEGIS review

Growing up, I loved Voltron. Voltron was this giant Voltron that would be formed when the world needed it the most, when five pilots of mecha would work in unison and combine their robots together. Since I first got into board games, I have been looking for a Voltron-themed game.

by Joshua Davis
Reviews   -   Apr 18, 2016 No one ever said wizard school would be this tough: Argent: The Consortium Review
No one ever said wizard school would be this tough: Argent: The Consortium Review

Chancellor Nostros Calahaan shocked us all by announcing that he will resign in one week. This is the moment I’ve been waiting for. I think it’s clear that I’m the best possible successor out there. This gives me just enough time to impress the Consortium voters. Wait,

by Joshua Davis
Reviews   -   Apr 18, 2016 Houston, we have an expansion: Galaxy Trucker: Missions review
Houston, we have an expansion: Galaxy Trucker: Missions review

Galaxy Trucker is an amazing game with an incredibly well done digital port available for smart phones. The digital version added missions to Galaxy Trucker, giving players goals and achievements. This app was so popular that Czech Games Edition recently released the Galaxy Trucker: Missions Expansion. The Missions expansion adds

by Joshua Davis
Features   -   Feb 25, 2016 Top Tabletop Games of 2015 — Josh’s Top Picks
Top Tabletop Games of 2015 — Josh’s Top Picks

Among board gamers, 2015 should be remembered as one of the greatest years for the hobby. There were a great number of titles that came out, and making a list of top five games of 2015 was incredibly challenging. It is for that reason that I will cheat slightly. I

by Joshua Davis
Reviews   -   Jan 28, 2016 Not too meaty – Meteor review
Not too meaty – Meteor review

For once the nations of the Earth will work together against the incoming threat. We are being bombarded by meteors. Humanity has but five minutes to blow up all these meteors, needing to coordinate or else face certain doom. Meteor is a light, five-minute, real-time cooperative game, in which players

by Joshua Davis
Reviews   -   Jan 15, 2016 Walk the Line — Tokaido Review
Walk the Line — Tokaido Review

There is only one word that can adequately describe Tokaido: Zen. It is a relaxing and simple game. Players are pilgrims traversing the Tokaido road, the scenic route between Edo and Kyoto. The winner of Tokaido is the pilgrim who most benefitted from this trek. The board of Tokaido is

by Joshua Davis
Reviews   -   Dec 22, 2015 Heating up the Competition – Ashes Rise of the Phoenixborn Review
Heating up the Competition – Ashes Rise of the Phoenixborn Review

The chimera were a plague on us all. They destroyed our livelihoods, killed countless among us, and terrorized us all. From that terror, emerged the Phoenixborn. These powerful beings were humanity’s only chance at survival. Together they defeated the chimera. However, before the ashes of the war had even

by Joshua Davis
Reviews   -   Dec 11, 2015 At Last, Your Chance at Ascension — Athlas Duel for Divinity Review
At Last, Your Chance at Ascension — Athlas Duel for Divinity Review

This is the moment you have been waiting for. You are a young Athilian participating in one final test of creation and destruction. You will face your opponent in one final duel, and only one of you will be elevated to the status of god, becoming a member of the

by Joshua Davis
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